
Hello Community 🙋🏼‍♂️

Since I have been working more intensively on the subject of shares and ETFs for a few months now, I have decided to save my portfolio with ETFs.

I'm still too inexperienced for anything else. Maybe I'll add a few more shares later.

At the moment I am saving $VWRL (-1,72%) with 200 euros a month.

Now I'm looking for a second suitable ETF to go with it.

I was thinking of a small caps ETF.

$WSML (-1,16%)
$XXSC (-2,13%)

Would one of the two suit my $VWRL (-1,72%) fit?

Or does anyone have better suggestions?

My goal is to simply increase my net worth a bit.

5 Commenti

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Would fit. Prefer the World
Fit. If your employer gives you capital formation benefits and you haven't invested them, you can also invest them. Unfortunately, Riester and RĂĽrup have high costs and limit your flexibility afterwards. With Riester, however, it can make sense to take advantage of the allowance.
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I don't understand the last sentence. In what way do you want to increase your assets with a second ETF? You could also simply increase the savings rate for the $VWRL.

A second ETF increases the diversification of your portfolio, but not necessarily your return.
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@KevinC With the second ETF, I'm concerned with diversification.

Or does it make more sense to invest the entire savings installment in one ETF? I'm still undecided.
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