
Which Etf on Emerging Markets would you recommend?

I'm a newbie and I just realized that $AASI (+0,7%) despite its name is "Asia Emerging Markets", is 🇺🇸 weighted at 85% 🥲

That's why I'm asking which ETF would you recommend to choose for a diversification on EM. Tia.

5.229,03 €
7 Commenti

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$AASI is a synthetically replicating ETF, more here:

You have to find a physical ETF.
A popular one is this one $EIMI
Alternatively, this one $AEME or this one $XMME .

Then of course there are a ton more, with or without factors, with specific focus, like ESG etc.
You can use justETF website/app to find the one that suits you best.
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@RaphGM thank you!
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AASI is ok because it gives you the return of the Asian Emerging Markets Index. I use it too. Very long track record and low fees. It's a synthetic ETF, it means that the underlying asset does not need to be the exact index. It can use anything, the important thing is that it gives you the index returns, and it does it well. So don't worry. I use it too.
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@i_miei_investimenti Ciao e grazie per la risposta. Ti seguo assiduamente su YouTube non appena pubblichi un nuovo video! Proprio ieri ho lasciato un commento ad un tuo vecchio video dove parlavi del tuo portafoglio e il suo valore era di circa la metà di adesso.
Non mi spiegavo il fatto che l'esposizione di AASI fosse così sbilanciata sugli USA nonostante l'Etf si chiami così e non ci sia gran traccia di paesi asiatici. Valuto di mantenere le quote già acquisite e di affiancare EIMI o equivalenti.
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@Etf_Milano grazie! Sono onorato. Il pac "aggressivo" ha aiutato parecchio nella crescita
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