
Hello dear investors

I would like to invest in 2-3 ETFs.

It is important to me that I am well diversified despite the ETF.

What are your recommendations?

I have in mind $VWRL (-1,16%) and $SPPW (-1,18%) for an All World

and for the Nasdaq $EQQQ (-1,24%) or $EQQD (-1,16%)

What are the differences there?

The company thanks to


4 Commenti

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Which is it? World or Allworld?😅 $SPPW is "only" a World without EM.

And with the Nasdaq ETFs, the $EQQQ is the one that deposits the money in the shares and the $EQQD is a swap ETF that doesn't buy shares but synthetically replicates the index. You would just have the risk that if the issuer goes bankrupt, your money is gone, which is not the case with physically deposited ETFs...

I have the swap ETF myself because I would like a small dividend and I think the risk of Invesco suddenly going bust is manageable.
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Actually an all World or would you only take the World?
Do you know the difference between $EQQQ and $EQCH?
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@SimutheG I only have the World, as I would like to weight emerging markets myself.
The $EQQQ is a normal nasdaq etf and the other has a hedge on the currency, in this case the swiss franc. You can read about how it works here https://www.justetf.com/de/news/etf/der-einfluss-von-waehrungsrisiken-auf-etfs.html#hedge
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Those from iShares have better tracking of the index.
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