
Fabuleus Februari, bocht Wereldhave with pricegains from Just Eat Takeaway

It all started in December, a college of mein ware in search of something to invest in. We both came independent from each to the same pick: $WHA (-0,65%)

The reason we came to the same pick was the incredible dividend of around 9%. I still had some conserns about the future of $WHA (-0,65%) but decided to buy a call option WHV C14.00 MAR21 and sold WHV P14.00 MAR21 option for 2,00

The graph looked like this when we pulled the trigger on the horizontal line:


In the days after I have also managed to acquire 40 pieces $WHA (-0,65%) whit an average price of 13,65

At the same time $TKWY (+0,58%) had announced it had sold GrubHub on which the price has risen to about 16,50 and also fallen back to 11,50. At that point after reading a lot about $TKWY (+0,58%) I decided the end of January to setup also an option strategy. I bought 2 call options TKW C12.50 MAR21 and sold 1 put TKW P14.00 MAR21. The cost of this setup -30.00


In the meantime $PRX (-4,13%) has decided it wants buy something what last Monday turned out to be $TKWY (+0,58%) . At that point Mister Market had decided to aword a incredible 2300 euro of price gain to me after closing all options and $TKWY (+0,58%) stock position.

Because of this I have decided to exercise the WHV C14.00 MAR21 call option which bought me 100 $WHA (-0,65%) stock for 1400 euro completely payed whit price gains.

Can I now say those 100 $WHA (-0,65%) where free? No matter what February was incredible for me.

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