
First milestone reached 🫨 (I know my risk management is not the best)

10.443,85 €
47 Commenti

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You have invested €14,000 and reached a portfolio value of €10,000. Congratulations on your first 10k!

Edit: is 15k or 5k the next milestone? :)
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@Alpalaka Optimism is the key! A smoker spends €2555 a year on his daily pleasure of €7 (at one pack a day). And me? I'm only 4000€ down on my 14,000€ investment. Nothing has been sold yet. 🥹👍
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@theVla But you've been invested since 2021, haven't you?
Why didn't you start with gold/BTC/World/etc.?
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@Alpalaka was in it after all. I decided to take some risk with the weed share and sold World.
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@theVla Okay. But going 75% into a gamble wouldn't be my cup of tea
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@theVla Decision made after consuming the AG's product?😏🤣
@Alpalaka think with the depot rather the 5K 🙈
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@theVla You can talk yourself into anything. There is a lack of risk management here. It is quite a talent to be red in the current bull market. Not selling the Shitcoin has entailed immense opportunity costs. You're taking the piss out of yourself with your attitude.
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@KapriolenCapital because of a crypto position that is in the red? 😅 The coins are staked to activate a credit card. I wouldn't call the company a shitcoin either.
@KapriolenCapital ShitCoin is relative, there are much worse "coins". But an exchange coin should always be treated with caution.
Where I have to agree with you: ~70% in the red? If you are convinced of the project, why didn't you do a proper DCA in the bear market?
A credit card with cashback is also "cheaper" elsewhere 🙂, so you don't have to tie yourself to a coin.
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@theVla Crypto.com has greatly worsened the benefits of the card compared to the beginning. With the loss you experienced, staking doesn't help anymore. Plus, as @Schroedy says, you don't seem to have been that confident in lowering the average, which you had plenty of time to do. As I said, you were taking the piss
Visualizza tutti 2 ulteriori risposte
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Honestly. I've rarely seen such filth here. How do you come up with such ideas?
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@Ayecaramba256 not so bad.
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@Ayecaramba256 join the WhatsApp group for even more tips
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@Alpalaka You also have to be honest. That's not investing for me. He can also make sports bets ...
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@Ayecaramba256 That's true. But the sound still makes the music
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@Alpalaka In my opinion, some portfolios are simply so pointless that they are not worthy of objective feedback. This depot is a good example of this...
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@Alpalaka So I'm sorry, but this guy invests 75% of his money in a single cannabis share and most of the rest in shitcoins... So you really have to ask yourself whether sports betting or roulette wouldn't be a better investment here.
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@AktienAmateur069 It was related to "dirt"
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@Alpalaka The depot is also dirt. Ok, I could have expressed it differently, but I didn't really want to "talk it up". I've seen a lot of rubbish here, but that was too much😂
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Canabis and shitcoin as core are pure gambling ... it will be difficult with the next milestone
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Investing in individual stocks without thorough analysis will always generate lower returns in the long term than a broadly diversified ETF portfolio.

But it's still good that you've started, you just need to rethink your strategy.
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So, if we're going to use crypto, let's do it sensibly and wisely 😉.
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@userb9be92943e734279 Crypto.com seems to be making heavy losses, but this investment only affects the credit card and the attractive cashback offer. Hopefully the coin will recover again.
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I am surprised by the sometimes short holding periods of actually solid stocks such as $ASML, $AMD or, if you like, $META
Looks like a lot of gambling and less investing
@FlexXandy I thought the same thing... ASML then sold at a loss after just one month of holding hahahaha
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hot weed stock and a central exchange coin as a core are not the way to go now. Selling everything and putting 80% in world Etf and 20% in Btc/eth might be the better way. You certainly won't get rich quick with this "portfolio"
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I wonder what will happen to your portfolio if the mood on the stock market is not as good as it has been in the last 3 years and heads south....
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Your cash reserves are courageous
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@STUMM Our @Testo-Investor should like it 😁
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf I normally like that! Money must be invested immediately. No time for reserves !!! Therefore perfect !!! Allin !!!
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Always remember:
As long as you don't sell anything, you don't realize any losses = loss is not real.
But seriously - when it comes to investments, you're better off with sports betting yourself.
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most people have probably already written that it's not so good. I hope for your sake that crypto.com goes up again, it's annoying but maybe it will again
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I think it could be crucial for you to find the right moment to reallocate. Otherwise, I think the portfolio will be even more red in the future.
Of course, you also have opportunities for quick returns with such risky assets, but I think it can be difficult to switch at the right moment.
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I am very afraid of you
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So if that's not a troll, then I don't know what is😂
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You've obviously done almost everything wrong so far. It's important that you learn from your mistakes now and approach things more sensibly in the future.

And yes, of course you would have burned money as a smoker. But you could also have lit the 4k on fire. That's not the point. You now have much less capital at your disposal than if you hadn't invested it, and that doesn't change just because you haven't sold the positions yet.
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Why did you buy 2 identical etfs with such a high TER? And why did you only buy crypto shitcoins?
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A prime example of how not to do it, you can go straight to the casino. Just do everything exactly differently than you do now.
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Poor stock selection. It would be easier to go "all in" in Rheinmetall. You would have made +90% since the beginning of the year. I did it with €10,000.
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For the love of god, please sell everything and buy low cost ETFs, or at least don’t buy anymore of that garbage you’ve been buying
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Congratulations for the sense of humor.
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if this is a troll portfolio its ok if its not , do urself a favor and look for an indipendent financial advisor like im doing. im investing and learning since 2019 and i still dont have enough confidence to invest by myself and still need a fin advis.
Not much more and you undo the milestone aiiiiaiiiaiiiiii
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