
I used the "dip", if you want to call it that, to increase my position in $TROW (+0,59%) to top up my position. At € 94, I didn't get the lowest price, but I still feel comfortable with the purchase.

Any opinions?

T. Rowe Price Group logo
Acquistato x3 a 94,02 €
282,06 €
4 Commenti

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4.7% dividend logged in. The main thing is that the share price stays down. Critical point
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@marda304 blackrock is of course stronger in itself due to the ETFs. Nevertheless, I do see a raison d'être for T. Rowe Price. If the situation changes, I will sell.

But yes. The dividend has been logged 😅
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@MeisterJediVidend ditto, blackrock is stronger. I agree with you. Also still on the watch list.
Nevertheless, I think that T. Rowe Price is relevant on the financial market.

If the situation changes, I will sell
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