
Curry is king

If the core business is no longer doing so well, the currywurst has to pull the cart out of the mud: $VOW3 (+0,16%) sells more curry sausages (8.8 million) than cars (5.2 million)

And you know what the best thing is? We can look forward to a currywurst coup. Yeah man!


But as Gerry used to say back then: "Currywurst with chips is one of the power bars of the skilled worker in production. It should stay that way."

Picking up speed again $VOW3 (+0,16%) now picking up speed again and becoming a successful food manufacturer?

2 Commenti

And they even wanted to abolish it, fortunately Gerhard Schröder intervened. After all, this is the power bar of the German skilled worker.
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@Solitair God Chancellor Gerhard!
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