
Trump steps on the gas ⚡️

Today we continued with the tariffs. Against everything and everyone 🧐. From tomorrow it should probably start with the Zöllen❗️

A man who has managed to ride the entire stock and crypto market up and down like a rollercoaster since his inauguration. 😅

The rise of $BTC (-4,97%)
$XRP (-7,27%)
$SOL (-7,43%) has subsided. Sell-offs and downward trend.

$NVDA (+0,22%) Currently down by approx. 7%. Followed by many others.

This week will see important economic data that will or could be very decisive.

Friday will be explosive when the US unemployment rate, non-farm employment figures and the FED report are published. And of course Jerome Powell's speech afterwards. If there are indications of an interest rate cut earlier than expected, this could give the markets a kick.

If the Fed sticks to the current situation, it could correct downwards again.

Let us be surprised.

12 Commenti

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Tariffs on agricultural products, long live the peasant state
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@Irlandfan the guy loves to demand customs duties 😅😂😂😂
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@Irlandfan We can do that quite well in the EU too
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Tariffs are followed by counter-tariffs. And as everyone knows (except Trump), tariffs drive inflation.
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@Angstundbange Even a Trump knows that.
It is not unlikely that this turbulence is intentional so that the US can get its 7 trillion debt, which it has to refinance this year, at an interest rate below 4%.
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At the very least, it creates a new pattern in my long-term chart 😇 While it has been slowly and steadily climbing with small interruptions, this year the jumps and swings are constantly alternating to create a nice zigzag pattern
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@Dividendenopi otherwise it would be boring 🥱
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@Cro that too. And it takes place on a manageable scale, so a few people learn that it's not so bad when it goes down. And if we really go down, they don't immediately catch their breath
A correction is good for anyone who wants to save for another thirty years. You can't get shares any cheaper. Don't moan, buy the dip of the dip.
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@stabil_xc Well, it's not exactly a smiley. But I really had to restrain myself from using the clown smiley 🤘🏽
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@stabil_xc If a smiley does bother you on the stock exchange, you should work on yourself. No offense meant.
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