
1 year stock market anniversary🎊

Presenting my portfolio today. I have been investing diligently for a year now. Started reading books at the beginning of last year, then started my own portfolio in April.

Briefly about me, 26 years young, married, 1 child (will be 1 next month), own home (just under 2 hectares of land in a small village, just under 300 square meters of living space)

Over the course of the year, I've worked out a strategy that I can sleep well with.

-10k in $XEOD (+0%) as a substitute for daily allowance. (5 net salaries)

-The remaining 20k are divided as follows:

Savings plans are currently at 300€.

I am very happy with it and for the first year I have achieved a performance of just under 10% (the $XEOD (+0%) is included). I'm happy with it, especially as the first year was more of a discovery phase for me.

I'm open to constructive criticism!

30.499,93 €
4 Commenti

immagine del profilo
Looks good in principle. But there is a lot of overlap in the ETFs. And the weighting of BTC and gold is rather homeopathic. Perhaps we could optimize here.
immagine del profilo
Just for the sake of interest (if you want to talk about it): how do €2,000 net salary and 300 square meters of living space fit together? And with a family of three. I'm 33, so far "only" engaged", my net income is significantly higher and just the idea of heating 300m2 makes me sweat so much that the heating would stop working 🙃😉
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