1 year stock market anniversary🎊
Presenting my portfolio today. I have been investing diligently for a year now. Started reading books at the beginning of last year, then started my own portfolio in April.
Briefly about me, 26 years young, married, 1 child (will be 1 next month), own home (just under 2 hectares of land in a small village, just under 300 square meters of living space)
Over the course of the year, I've worked out a strategy that I can sleep well with.
-10k in $XEOD (+0%) as a substitute for daily allowance. (5 net salaries)
-The remaining 20k are divided as follows:
- 35% $VDEV (+1,44%)
- 30% $IUSA (+1,36%)
- 15% $GGRP (+0,69%)
- 10% individual shares (should become a maximum of 10 shares over the years)
- 5% $EWG2 (+0,11%)
- 5% $BTC (-0,41%)
Savings plans are currently at 300€.
I am very happy with it and for the first year I have achieved a performance of just under 10% (the $XEOD (+0%) is included). I'm happy with it, especially as the first year was more of a discovery phase for me.
I'm open to constructive criticism!