
Hi everyone, I am investing in 3 ETFs $FUSD (+0,61%)
$TDIV (+1,32%)
$IWDA (-0,26%) .

My idea is to diversify the portfolio and reinvest the dividends. Instead of $FUSD (+0,61%), I could use $FUSA (+0,6%) but in the future, it will be easier to use the dividends if I stop reinvesting it.

Should I change any of those ETFs, or my choice is good enough for a long period of 10-20 years?

5 Commenti

is there a tax benefit from going acc vs dist?
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I am not sure, usually my dividend tax is 10% , but not familiar is the acc dividend is tax free
@TheWealthInvestor if the taxation doesnt make a difference I'd go with distributing personally. there's a great video on it on Plain Bagel on youtube
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@TheWealthInvestor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBjBs0VibaY good debate in the comments too. good luck
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