
Too many "satellites"?

Hey guys,

I'm currently thinking about my portfolio composition. I am pursuing a core-satellite strategy with the $FGEQ (-1,17%) as core and individual stocks. I have the problem of buying more and more individual stocks... I just enjoy evaluating individual stocks and looking at companies. There are simply too many exciting companies. 🙈Do you think 25 individual stocks are too much of a supplement to my ETF?

Maybe someone has a similar "problem" and would like to share it with me?

15 Commenti

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Jo you know the problem, I've realized that I don't set myself a limit but add as much as I feel comfortable with.

If you go by what makes sense, I think 20/25/30 is the sweet spot for many people.

It also depends and it's important not to have any lumps here, e.g. 25 tech stocks or so...
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@WarrenamBuffet You're right about that. It's also becoming increasingly difficult to keep an eye on all companies. Especially when a share goes downhill, I often find it difficult to see why
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@Max095 that's the point where you should have less. Or if it is a help, there are tools that notify you via push about news...
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There is no right or wrong. In the end, you have to feel comfortable and the return should not be worse than that of an MSCI World. If that is the case, then everything is fine
Why shouldn't it be worse than the MSCI World? Why not the Nasdaq, FTSE Allworld or S&P 500? It has to suit him. If he feels comfortable and the return is ok for him, then everything is fine.
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@Watzeklicker if its return is worse than that of the world, then it makes little sense.
@Sansebastian You don't seem to have understood the question. If the Allworld is doing better than the MSCI Workd, does the MSCI World make sense? If the S&P has done even better, do the other two make sense? Why un equities at all if cryptos are doing much better? Everyone has to decide for themselves how they feel comfortable and what return they want to achieve.
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You can easily reach 25 if you sell half of your current individual stocks.... Also depends a bit on the size of your portfolio. I currently have 23 stocks with just under 300k, but I let them run and re-evaluate them once a year. If you are looking for growth, then the monitoring and support effort is greater. Maybe you pick 3 to 5 favorites from your positions and concentrate on them and build up the positions to a certain size, let the rest run or throw them out if you are no longer convinced. When you have finished, take the next ones and readjust them. Just my opinion and suggestion
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@Dividendenopi would like to sell all my cryptos completely tax-free in the near future. That's already planned. Just wait for the big rise.
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Who decides how it has to be. For me, there are always two key points:

1. I have to feel comfortable with it

2. it must generate a return

The rest doesn't matter whether you have 100% China, 100 individual shares, no individual action, whatever. The main thing is that you are happy with it and it makes money.

Of course, the past has shown that less is more. But then it's only half as much fun and you might invest less
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don't see that as a problem. What's wrong with investing individually in companies if you enjoy it?
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@Hodlinvestor I often have the problem of buying at the wrong time and am unsure whether I should buy more when prices fall.
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Difficult. Some say 25 individual shares are ideal, others even say 50, 60. But in any case, you shouldn't open positions that are too small. For example, €10 per share is cheese, especially if you still have €1 to buy and €1 to sell or something like that.
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I know the problem. Perhaps you should also differentiate between what your core stocks are (buy and hold stocks). And what your satellite stocks are. That way you can determine your risk a little. With the satellite shares you have to stay up to date in order to get out quickly
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@Tenbagger2024 Thanks for the tip 😊🙏
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