6 Commenti

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It doesn’t show the % allocation. Another thing why just not invest in 1 like $SPYI?
@beardonfire thanks for letting me know! I have just edited the post to give the info

I considered this option indeed but I would feel less comfortable having only 1 ETF because it would have less flexibility to rebalance the portfolio ;

because they have different growth profiles but my goal is to keep a balanced split among geographies and sectors (it’s currently 60% exposed to the US and would like to bring it down to 50% and also keep technology at 20% instead of 25% currently)
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I would throw out the high div, the last 3 too, scale the rest up accordingly and then throw it into a backtest.
The Japan share is already quite high. But if you like it... that's just my view of things. You can also throw this combination into a backtest for comparison (if they are possible far enough back) and compare the results. (Attention: the period under consideration should be the same), less than 15 years makes little sense) could therefore be difficult in your case.
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@profit_mogul_522 oh you asked in English. Sorry forgot. I hope the translation of getquin worked fine?
@SchlaubiSchlumpf It’s automatically translated so no worries :)
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