@ZeroIncomeStrategy “Thank you for your suggestion! I’ll definitely take a closer look at $EIMI and $VFEG. Including lower market caps sounds like a smart move for broader exposure. Do you personally hold any of these ETFs? If so, how has your experience been?”
@Marnero I invest in distributing ETFs that are similar to these. Not sure what to say about the experience other than what you can see in the historical data. EMs have been underperforming the developed markets massively for quite a few years now, but I am still happy diversifying into them when I look at data from the 00's etc, considering what may happen in the next few decades that I may still be holding them.
@ZeroIncomeStrategy Grazie per aver condiviso la tua prospettiva! È sempre utile ascoltare strategie e visioni a lungo termine diverse. Ti auguro il meglio con i tuoi investimenti!”