

How much is $BRK.B (-0,2%) dependent on Buffet? I mean, he has a few years under his belt and if he dies, how will the stock perform? What do you think?

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The company itself is 0 dependent, he built up his successor years ago and is now only active in the background.
In the event of his death, things will probably still go down in the short term because he was the face of the company.
But irrelevant in the long term
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He no longer has that much influence on the operating business anyway. Let's take the $NU deal as an example, as I have dealt with it extensively, Buffet himself had little to do with it. Greg Abel bagged the deal back then before the IPO. Their ek was officially somewhere between 8 and 9 dollars. In the meantime, the only thing that has actually been done is what every small investor does at some point - the equity has been withdrawn and the profits remain. This has now been done with a number of investments, which shows quite clearly that Buffet's influence is waning. Since Buffet pursued a somewhat different approach. See Coke, Apple, American Express and, to a lesser extent, Bank of America, where the investment idea was different. But he also held on to these after the restructuring and by now he should be up about 500%.
To cut a long story short, Buffet still has influence, his top picks will be retained, and the dividend alone brings an incredible amount of money into the company.
Apple last year net in € 280mio
American Express 397mio
Bank of America 630mio
Coke 720mio
And and and
This money is invested for the medium term, as with $NU $DMP etc. There, the stake is gradually withdrawn and, ideally, the share price continues to grow or, as with Dominos, you have 12 million through dividends that can be reinvested.
To bring the whole thing to a close, should Buffet die at some point, the ghost will of course continue to hover over the company and will also be part of the company's support, but there has already been a trend reversal in recent years
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I think without Buffets, the share price will go down a little at first, but in the long term I could imagine that they will move away from the pure value approach and open up more to the tech and growth area. Then a lot can happen with the capital power.
Guys . With all due respect. His name is BuffeTT !
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@money_39 People only think about eating...
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