
#tradinggame - buy&hold just for fun from today until 29.07. 💥

How many getquin employees can you outperform? 😄

Today we started a stock market game internally at getquin (Fictitious
Investment amount 10.000 €, only with shares, ETFs and funds) which is why for the first time I have taken a closer look (without the numbers quite looking at the figures in detail 😅) with a portfolio composition of individual stocks.

Of course, the holding period of two months is exciting - the decision was not so easy, but I have now decided against an AI focus. I'm curious to see if I will regret this 😄 But can $NVDA (+6,15%) and Co. really go up more in the next two months? 😨

I wanted some risk, which is why a larger position $1211 (+0,47%) is and in equal parts I bet on $ENPH (-2,62%) (Supplier of solar and battery systems), a company I hardly read about here. Maybe someone would like to do a stock analysis?

I really enjoyed the compilation and I'm very excited about the result 😅💰💸

I would be totally interested in how you guys would do this. Join in and then we can compare the results 🤓

Share your portfolio link with absolute numbers here in the comments or in a new post with the reasoning behind your decision 📈📈

I nominate @California_Dreamin
@Goldmarie and @oliverplass 😄


Guarda il mio Cruscotto ora!
32 Commenti

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Why not an exchange game for all? Why the absolute numbers and not the relative? 🤔 So your period is the next two months?
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@Koenigmidas so you can see that the total invested is really only 10k. Exactly, until the end of July :) has simply been a team challenge idea, but that's why I share it, so that hopefully the community outperformed 😄
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@Koenigmidas don't always be such a curmudgeon
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@DonkeyInvestor I am not 😘
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@DonkeyInvestor I am not 😘
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@Koenigmidas you are probably 😘
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great idea, but it's like any stock market game that is limited to a short time...I automatically don't think of taking a quality company in, but taking a short term market speculation. would guess here a small company that has been hard punished, probably from the banking/credit sector and HOPE that the US situation will just leverage the whole thing up in the short term. Greed.
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@Gerit that's true. But it makes you think a little bit about how the market could develop in the short term, which is quite exciting.
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https://getqu.in/78lIFA/j3rzwj/ justification simply times with 10000 euros buy shares that I can not otherwise buy, but who knows maybe I will then shift times
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@MarketLady Very good, good luck 🥳
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Although un-nominated but top-motivated (probably ultra-confused 🙈) I also very happy to participate in this challenge 🎳 https://getqu.in/s8uqTG/UV5Gwk/#tradinggame✌️😎🤙
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@Stullen-Portfolio very much, am curious how your portfolio develops 🚀
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...have just read in some other post that so lever parts may not play at all 🚫 -> have it with me thus excluded ✅🤙 The other rule mentioned there "at least three elements" I had already in it 😎✅
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So try a little wacky, but that's what gambling is for! 💁🏻‍♂️😎 https://getqu.in/9KRIi7/S4BP8p/
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@GreenWash 🥳 exactly, let's see who really gambles 😄
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Thanks for thinking of me, I'm a little out of order right now and unfortunately have to pass....
I'm also there but must still burn 2080€. 😅 I'm sure I'll find a use for it in the next two hours.
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@Tobi222004 is really cool to see the different compositions, times not only the standard portfolios 😄
@mariechristines in any case. Are there actually some rules? Like, for example, when shifting or something?
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...at least the rules for regrouping should be clear from the first two words and the punctuation used, right? -> buy & hold
@Stullen-Portfolio yes sure, read it twice and yet it went down 😅
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I know 🙋🙈. I think everyone knows 😁 😉.
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Hey, @mariechristines, is there actually fitting to the 2-week final spurt of the #tradinggame an intermediate status from you? ...or does it run after the motto "After fishing, the fish are counted."? 😉
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@Stullen-Portfolio exactly, the second - because I'm still hoping for a better result for me 😂😂
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Okidoki 😎 Then times 🐟🐟@mariechristines 😉🍀
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When will be settled @mariechristines?
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Hey @Alpalaka, unfortunately I had some things to do last week and therefore did not come. In the meantime you have deleted the portfolio or?
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@mariechristines oh okay. I deleted it because on 29.07 deadline was and nothing came yes. But can create it again quickly, my 3 titles I have remembered :D
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Will the #tradinggame then still find a (worthy) conclusion, @mariechristines? 🏁😉
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