
A small update on my portfolio:

  • I have liquidated my small Alibaba position (€280) and my small Metaverse ETF position (€300). I wouldn't have dared to buy more Alibaba and such a small position doesn't make much sense.
  • I invested the money in the $5OGE (+1,74%) and the $IS3R (-0,89%) These two ETFs should each make up 25% of my total portfolio in the long term; however, I'm still toying with the idea of weighting the two with only 20% and adding another 10%. $IEMA (-1%) in order to be better diversified in terms of regions
  • I have just realized partial gains on my cryptos (not yet tracked) and have increased my $BTC (+2,05%) -position to €1,250 and my $SOL (-0,18%) -position to €500; the profits will also flow into the two ETFs
  • The individual positions that are <€500 are still to be increased; $AAUKF and $LOCK (-0,69%) via a monthly savings plan and the rest with subsequent purchases

=> In the long term, I would like to cover 50% with the 2 to 3 large ETF positions and the remaining 50% with individual shares of quality companies

I would be very interested to know what you think of this strategy!

  • Include EM ETF yes or no?
  • Your opinion on $5OGE (+1,74%) and $IS3R (-0,89%) as a basis for a portfolio?
  • Are there any individual stocks in my portfolio that you think are completely unsuitable as a long-term investment?

I am very keen to hear your opinions! 🙏🏼

34.366,87 €
8 Commenti

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If you feel comfortable with 50 positions, that's fine, but I would find it exhausting to constantly keep track of how the companies are doing.
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@Fabianfeuer I'm not too keen on that either, so in the long term I'd like to have mostly boring individual stocks that you don't have to look at every day muss👍🏻
So I'm not planning to buy any spotlight stocks in the near future, but I'm currently interested in $BMI $RSG $WM and $AWK:)
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22 years and 30k deposit 🫡 everything done right so far! Congratulations
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Would still add for 10€ $MBG to then buy new shares with the dividends📈👍
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@Therapeut I'm not a big fan of dividend strategies, as dividends don't make the portfolio any bigger😅 I'd rather pay in the same amount and use savings plans aufsetzen🤷🏻‍♂️
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@AktienAmateur069 this is what it looks like
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I do not invest in ETFs. Reason: If an ETF value has risen very strongly, you cannot realize any (partial) gains and sometimes the ETF still contains values that you don't want for various reasons.
Otherwise: savings plan on all positions and increase when dividends rise
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@AlterMann I understand what you mean! However, with my 45-50% share of individual stocks, I can also deliberately overweight individual stocks and could make partial sales when prices are very strong. But firstly, the question arises as to why I should make partial sales at all for companies that I have brought into my portfolio as a long-term investment and secondly, the large ETF positions will hopefully discipline me a little to not constantly reallocate. I think the strategies of the two ETFs are both very promising and historically they have both led to outperformance. I would like to build up these two ETF
positions and then let them run until I am in the withdrawal phase; there are no plans to take partial profits or make regular reallocations.
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