
A noble pinch from the north. 🍃

Buy what you know. A little performance.

Now that the majority is completely in a trance again dedicated to the tech sector and other sectors are thus falling behind, you can pick the fillets of the second row again.

$OX2 is a Swedish project developer in the renewable energy sector, especially in wind power they have a leading position. They are the market leader in Europe and have extremely strong fundamentals. As wind energy expands in the EU, more money is likely to drive rapid growth here as well.

The market environment is more oriented towards the Baltic/Scandinavian region. In addition, they are currently pushing strongly into the market in France.

The order book is full and continues to be stable. Their website also shows all projects, including size, as well as the processing status. This is how transparency should be for an investor.

This puts them in direct competition with, for example, Abo Wind $AB9 (+0,28%) or PNE $PNE3 (-0,63%).

The chart shows a good opportunity for an entry at the current time. Should the trend run further south, I will buy optimistically.

OX 2
Acquistato a 6,00 €
14 Commenti

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And how many have you bought now?💫 Nobody can give you anything wegnehmen🤷‍♂️
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@Kronos_ You wouldn't get any added value from that either. I'm only interested in the idea of companies in the third series. If you can give me a very good plausible reason why this should be done, I'll be happy to think about it. 😅 The fact is that it's pretty much 3.75% of the stock portfolio at the moment, if it grows to 10% that's still perfectly fine. I take the $XEON from my calculation, since that's where 60% of the overnight money is.
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@Hannes_SK i find the etf very interesting $XEON can you explain it a bit more please😅 does it invest in UK bonds only?
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@Kronos_ This is a money market fund that aims to track the ECB overnight rate. Why it is shown here on Getquin as being in UK bonds is beyond me. But on the official website of Xtrackers you can see that it is 99.5% collateralized in government bonds of major euro countries. There you can also see the full contents of the fund. https://etf.dws.com/de-de/LU0290358497-eur-overnight-rate-swap-ucits-etf-1c/ Has advantages that in times of rising interest rates you don't always have to change banks. In addition, it is "Sondervermögen" according to German law and therefore not bound to the deposit guarantee of 100k€.
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Project developer in the wind (and solar) sector ? There I am team 🇩🇪 with $EKT
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@Fabzy I honestly didn't have this on my radar at all, but I'm currently reluctant to invest in this area in Germany. There will be another federal election in 2025. It is likely that the cards will be reshuffled. Would still be very happy about benchmark duels. 🚀
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@walkinginmemphis They are not directly involved in the wind power sector. They are project developers. The problem in the wind sector is the adjusted profit due to competitive pressure. They don't have that as developers and service. They earn very good salaries and continuously increase margins. This is where money is made in the wind power sector. The best-known clients and suppliers include $SIE and $NDX1, for example, plus powerful investor houses and, of course, the respective states as clients. Why the share price is now plummeting like this is just stock market. Completely irrational, but that is then just made up, but probably because the order intake is currently stagnating. 🤷🏻‍♂️Aber also the peer group with $AB9 and $PNE3 is weakening. At $VBK you didn't believe me that this was a good entry point. I see the current fair value alone at around €6. The company is still young on the stock market, but has been around since 2004. So they want to grow drastically and furthermore they already have business experience. With the expansion of offshore wind power, also in the Baltic Sea the one or other billion € will fall off. In addition, one is resident in the EU and lives thereby tax more favorably, due to the internal trade, which applies yes also to services. I could write now still so much to it ... 😅 Why one should now invest here and not in a Tech-Bude is simply because I have no insights in Techs. Is also always puzzling to me, how there in the background for service X so much money is earned. With a new government, the money of the public sector in Germany should sit looser again for the lobbies. Due to the high hunger for energy, the price of electricity will continue to rise steadily, while renewables will bear more and more profit, thus attracting even more capital. As a result, project developers are picking up speed again.
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@walkinginmemphis It doesn't matter who is in government. Existing laws and EU directives must be complied with. That's why it's always inexplicable to me here on Getquin why there is speculation about this, even though we know where the journey is going. You just have to wait...$CE2 I got back in at 9€. Remain with them and with Verbio now also with the speculation about an increase in biofuel quotas.
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@walkinginmemphis I have 50 and 45 each my tranches. Soon there will be another law to promote wind energy and even so you are affected by the Green Act of the EU. And otherwise: I can not lose more than 100% anyway. 👀
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@walkinginmemphis No, this will probably trigger the next bull run in renewables.
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