
Savings plan idea


Hey everyone! I'm currently using this app for the first time and just wanted to get some advice, as I've seen that we're in a really pleasant community here, which spreads a lot of positivity in contrast to other platforms!

Well, the one in the pictures is my current game plan (hope the screenshots are displayed correctly).

Short explanation:

I opened my Trade Republic account about a year ago on a school trip (exactly on my 18th birthday). Since then I have invested 30€ per month at first, and 35€ per month for the last 3 months. The focus has always been on ETFs and I have tried to stick as closely as possible to 60-30-10 with $IWDA (-1,03%) , $EIMI (+0,06%) and $IESE (+0,26%) as well as possible.

In addition, I tried out individual stocks with €1 each, just to see what would happen. I have always adjusted these, etc.

A few days ago I thought I could expand my portfolio, as I'm currently receiving my first salary and have therefore increased my savings rate. I've increased the ETFs to a total of €50, plus around €20 in dividend shares and a few other shares that I think make sense.

I have deliberately selected so many individual stocks so that I only have to adjust the amounts when increasing the savings rate, especially because I will do this again soon, or buy more if I think it makes sense.

Now I wanted to ask you, what do you think?

Any tips or similar?

You can see my entire portfolio here.

Thanks for any tips anyone can give me!

24 Commenti

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@Simpson Is that your junior? Almost as many savings plans as you
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@GoDividend only 12 times smaller
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@birken-stocks stick with ETFs for the time being. When your salary increases, you can start more easily with individual shares.
I think you'll quickly lose interest in the €2 savings plans because:
-I think you'll see your positions grow too slowly
-it takes forever until you have a whole share in your portfolio
-your pockets are empty (compound interest can't work)
-you will probably have a different selection of shares next year

Etf save your selection simply as a watchlist concern-> then you can also play through the would have had bike chain once
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I think @GoDividend summed it up really well.
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@GoDividend good idea! Thank you
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Where $BIRK? 🦧 With your name, I would have expected that to be the largest position... ☹️
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@Mcl1991 nowhere, had problems with my feet, insoles and Birkenstocks worked wonders, so the name kind of inspired me😂
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Can understand the idea in principle. The opportunity costs you incur are unfortunate. For example, €10 per month on $MSFT would have a more positive impact on your performance than if you invested in $PBB (especially as you only make losses here apart from the occasional dividend).
In other words, while your €2 per month in the Pfandbriefbank is always losing value, the winners are running away from you.
In addition, you still have enough investment horizon to bet on dividend growth. Would reduce the proportion of high dividend stocks. Maybe something like Blackrock or Sherwin Williams is something for you.
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@JonathanPeachum Thanks for your input!
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First of all, top to start investing at the age of 18. 👌🏻
I would choose an ETF. ACWI or World. Save this with your available amount, increase income, increase savings rate, use compound interest. The issue with individual shares can go well, but doesn't have to...
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You underperform the market. If you shift into all world ETFs you end up making more money from your investment...
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@TechNav but you are right! Thanks for your contribution
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It's cool that you're starting so early. See what motivates you to keep investing and do that. For me, it's the dividends. Not always the smartest investments, but I just enjoy it. Do you enjoy holding lots of small positions? Go for it. The important thing is that you bring in capital first. 👍🏼 And remember. At your age, investing in human capital is also very important 😌
Good luck for the future!
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@Markus-OWL Thank you for your input! Of course you shouldn't forget human capital! Thank you!
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Looks like a Tipico ticket😂
Grab yourself an ETF or put real money into your stocks... makes no sense at all in my eyes
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@Therapeut Thanks for the tip!
First of all, congratulations on starting to invest so early! My advice: put everything into an ETF and leave out the individual positions! As soon as you have built up a higher savings rate, you can still invest in individual stocks
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@trade_visionary_818 Good idea, thank you!
@birken-stocks Good luck for the future!
Did you slip up with the decimal point? It doesn't even move properly below 2k per share. There is no movement at all in the lollipop
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@davidk3112 ne actually right so, as I said, I'm feeling my way a little, and therefore have little experience with the micro-accounts
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I would sell everything that is underperforming the World ETF and reallocate.
And in future only save in this ETF. It's much more fun to see a little red in the portfolio and the compound interest also comes in with a large position. :)
Individual positions are a game of chance unless you do it full time... and even then, very few beat the performance of an S&P500 or all world
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@LarryLindt Thanks for the tip!
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