
Buy company shares?

Hello, I have the opportunity $HO (+0,57%) to buy shares at the conditions mentioned below.

However, I am not sure, as I also see certain disadvantages:

  • There is also a monetary advantage
  • Shares are held at Society General in France (later transfer to own securities account in Germany is not possible)
  • Tax issues (dividends and subsequent sale are not automatically taxed with capital gains tax)
  • Shares are probably blocked for 5 years (was the case in the past)
  • Thales $HO (+0,57%) is a defense company and has therefore done well in recent years (who knows what it will look like in 5 years).

What would you do here?

13 Commenti

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The fact that you cannot transfer the shares is due to the fact that they are registered shares. This is the only way French groups can give these bonuses. You can transfer them after the lock-up period has expired by having them converted by the depositary. This is free of charge, but also includes the loss of the bonuses. Even then, you can change brokers, but only if they offer a custodian in France. Consors, a BNP subsidiary, is a good choice. (DKB should have a similar model?) Only then can you transfer these to your domestic custody account. So it really is a not inconsiderable effort.
The advantage of this is the fact that the dividend is taxed directly at 12.8%. As a result, you must of course declare this in your tax return. The same also applies to the sale.

French groups also have different savings models in this respect. Perhaps you can find out more about this.
Savings sum <3000€, der Unternehmer übernimmt jegliche fälligen Steuern und Verwahrgebühren.

Sparsumme >3000€, the employee pays all taxes and fees.

Furthermore, the discount is usually so big that it's always worth it. In the past, I have always used the annual maximum. It was also a French company. The bottom line is that you always make a profit, regardless of whether the 5 years are blocked or not. 😅
So if you're not assuming future insolvency, I can definitely advise you to do so.
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@Hannes_SK Thank you for the detailed answer. I'll give it another thought.
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Exactly the same for me. I bought employee shares last month.

5 years holding period from 10 shares 20 received as a gift plus 20% discount.

I did the math and found it to be good.
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@Lit from France by any chance? Then we are colleagues 😅
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Are MA shares from a capital increase?
You have to work out for yourself what percentage you will receive in the allotment year. Then the spear period and the dividend. Do you then see a plus?
I also have the option and always use it, as the discount is already good
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@Smudeo What bothers me most is the tax issue and the fact that I won't be able to get them into my own portfolio later. The tendency is more towards not buying
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@six I can only hold mine via Commerzbank. Still, it didn't put me off. Made 293% in the last 5 years as a result.
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@Lit After the holding period, I would advise you to transfer the shares to dkb and then reduce the double taxation of the French tax. I think it costs 30 euros for 3 years
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I am also with Thales and buy regularly 👍
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@Royal_TS Do you keep them forever or do you sell them after the holding period?
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@six The company, and therefore the share, is performing excellently. I have a return of 188% and see no reason to get out in the near future. On the contrary, I hope for more shares at the next employee share issue in Nov/Dec 😉 So "buy and hold"
Roche offers a 20% discount and a 3-year holding period.
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