

I wanted to present a more detailed text about my portfolio and my reasons behind each of my individual shares (wall of text incoming). My depot consists of 2 parts and 3 depots :

scalable capital depot ( my main depot) 47 k €trade republic: created sometime to collect the free share together with my sister 2,5 k € $IWDA (-0,87%) + 0,25 $MBG (+0,15%) sharesemployee share deposit 2k $EOAN (+0,25%)
before that something short about me :

25 years old apprenticeship eletroniker made now a study support program (electrical engineering who guessed it :D ) from my employer due to special achievements.

besides running 2 small companies (1x IT/hardware things together with 2 friends runs okay is not enough to live but for the time used quite okay, as another hobby / business candle production-> not really good but I have joy in it) between training ud study 3/4 year as a journeyman worked.

investment horizon >20 years but soon partial withdrawal to the housing loan final sum repay (about 17 k since apartment in the training together with sister bought) [money for the apartment was up to 20 k of me or my sister earned apartment 50/50 my sister and I she pays back more and that she gets with the end of the loan already times proportionally back rest after the end of my studies loan amount was 100k on 2 people )

now to the relevant part( descending by size in aggregated getquindepot)

unfortunately no table possible therefore formatted as follows)

NAME of the share, share in the total depot, why did I choose it, savings plan available

$IWDA (-0,87%) 9,35 %, will be steadily expanded later as an ageing investment+ constant growth, savings plan 80€

$ASML (-2,65%) 7,12%, probably the strongest moat there can be+future of semiconductors is very safe, not saved

$EOAN (+0,25%) 6,99% ->employee shares since 2 years with 360€ free per year(209 employee shares)+ bought a little bit by myself, not saved except in the frame of employee shares

$AVGO (-2,13%) 6.01%, steady growth in almost every product with built-in wireless, not saved

$OHI (-0,85%) 5.55%, retirement home reit grow old and die we will always constant distribution, not besparpart

$BAS (-1,42%) 4,52% chemistry is important but difficult in germany i might switch soon to $LYB (-1,61%) because the dutch take better care of their industire :D, not saved

$IUIT (-0,9%) 4,07%, no getting past US IT companies,20€ savings plan

$FNTN (-0,55%) 3,74%,8% dividend payout from reserves first time no KAP, not saved

$XEON (+0,02%) 3,25%, money market etf as day money substitute-> no desire for day money account hopping,not saved

$EIMI (-1,15%) 3,09%, in combination with the $IWDA (-0,87%) to represent the whole world, 45€ savings plan

$SEMI (-1,77%) ,2,84%, am strongly convinced of semiconductors therefore very gladly there also in addition to asml and broadcom a general overweighting,20€ savings plan

$BLK 2.72%, leading investment manager of large etf providers in my eyes good annual growth, 45€ savings plan because in my eyes currently relatively "favorable with a kgv of 19-20

$MBG (+0,15%) 2.44%, there is nothing qualitatively what with the best or nothing can keep up already before the spinoff$DTG (-2,68%) spinoff held therefore also 9 truck shares "get given in addition quite a nice div return, not bespart

$LHA (-3,03%) 2.06% on the rebound after a long dry spell, but will probably be sold soon because too volatile and difficult business field, no savings plan

$ALV (-0,41%) 1.85% a German constancy in the depot comes because of the ghröße worldwide almost no one past in particular it benefits very strongly from the riester pension contracts, etc., no savings plan

$CPXJ (-0,49%) 1,65% as compensation for the much europe and USA in my depot, 22€ savings plan

$PEP (-0,01%) 1,60% big food company nice growth big diversification not only beverages like $KO (-0,31%) no savings plan

$MEUD (-1,33%) 1.57% general europe does not hurt to reduce the usa share in the etfs, 25€ savings plan

$BAYN (+2,12%) 1,48 %, pharma giant and fertilizer and seed makes no one on this planet can live permanently without bayer, no savings plan

$MUV2 (+0,11%) 1,4% big reinsurance nice even growth but maybe a little too expensive maybe it will be sold soon and bought again later because currently >50% in plus, no savings plan

$TMV (-1,35%) 1,36% bought for speculation but will be out soon because there is no moat and the product is too small and completely easy to replace-> don't ask me what made me buy it but it is currently even in plus :D, no savings plan

$AMAT (-1,63%) 1.34% what would be semiconductors without waver?,no savings plan

$HOT (-1,52%) 1.3% large construction company builds a lot for the public sector and they like to be ripped off the sit out has paid off after an interim -30%, no savings plan

$FORTUM (+0,71%) 1.29% former $UN01 mother and since the uniper has once belonged to my employer knows thezum largely the Finnish state->can not go broke but unfortunately very high withholding tax and only partially refundable-> soon out, no savings plan

$VNA (+1,63%) 1.28% actually already more getquin has once again synronisationsprobleme) with the housing shortage in germany a defacto nobrainer comes in my eyes to 110% with falling interest rates back to old nievau, about 50 € per month or even bissl more depending on what remains (but only if share is quoted below 20 € )

$AIR (-0,86%) 1,26% , boing shoots itself down only one relevant civil aircraft manufacturer remains, no savings plan

$PMT (+0,37%) 1.25% actually solid ride am currently not sure whether to sell or stock up meaningful -> bad of me what do you advise me? no savings plan

$MSFT (-0,97%) 1.16% still from the early days but stocksolide mMn also better than $AAPL (-1,21%) because much broader positioned and not only lives from the brand but also from the products Azure office + hardware + OS probably remains forever, no savings plan

$PBB (-2,89%) 1,14% actually good business model currently suffers from few construction loans + high divrendite ohnje kapsteuer-> top up, irregular savings plan see $VNA (+1,63%)

$DTE (-0,26%) 1.13% only viable provider in germany regarding wireless network + most of us mobile , no savings plan

$DBK (-2,81%) <1% wanted to have a bank in the depot could not decide therefore partly$DBK (-2,81%) and partly $CBK (-2,7%) bought commerzbank is good deutche bank rather less->deutsche bank flies out, no savings plan on either of them

$ULVR (+1,8%) <1% lebnesmittelgroßklonzern remains forever very diversified, no savings plan

$MO (-0,32%) <1% dead said live longer performance is ok may stay for now,no savings plan

$MTX (+0,86%) <1% every fleiger needs at least 2 of them and there are only few relevant manufacturers of them, no savings plan

$SIE (-2,99%) <1%, 100gramm Siemens 100€ immortal industrial giant remains forever in the depot, no savings plan

$TGT (+0,51%) <1%,convinced that target will come back in some areas in the USA indispensable, sparplam 45€

$SHEL (+0,32%) <1% has understood that oil is finite has meanwhile very large e-charging network and much renewable dirt (but brings due to the current political craze for renewable and sustainability protection insane subsidies and profits, no savings plan

$IBM (-0,65%) <1% no one gets past enem IBM mainframe in banking+ very well back in quantum computing (possibly a rise to old glories soon ), no savings plan

$DPW (-2,06%) <1%, logistik weltmarkführer in einem stark steigendem markt ->i should actually increase TM, no savings plan yet

$G (+0,11%) <1%, eigentlich gute versicherung lohnt sich nicht aber aufgrund der italienischen steuer -> will be out soon, no savings plan

$LIN (-0,37%) <1% gas giant similar to bayer and basf in its area constant growth could one times again increase if it falls again something, currently still no savings plan

$VOW3 (-0,94%) <1%, one of the few old utokonzernen I trust a change just a pity for Mr. diess, no savings plan

$DTG (-2,68%) <1%, spinoff from $MBG (+0,15%) but runs well may therefore remain, no savings plan

$UN01 <1%, will hopefully come back after the war, will first be held, no savings plan

$SAP (-0,77%) <1% absolutely shitty software but unfortunately almost every company has to use it because of the competition in particular $CRM (-1,2%) still umpteen times worse unstable and weitausweniger powerful, no savings plan

$MMM (-1%) <1% actually of me very loved company investment but only after completion of all the legal proceedings, no more savings plan

$FLXI (-0,35%) <1% democratic country with more than 1000000000 inhabitants in the upswing , the hopefully soon new china( only economically seen ), savings plan 12€

$CCL (-1,38%) <1%, vacation especially with rich very popular only debt ratio makes him very much to create undecided whether to be sold, no savings plan

$UNP (-1,02%) <1%transnational rail traffic in USA sometime they will also(rediscover) the importance of the railroad, irregular savings plan

$AR4 <1% actually convinced but the management is a disaster actually out but i don't want to pay a low volume surcharge :D, definitely no savings plan

$QCOM (-0,77%) <1%, there are ekine other performanten prozessoen for cell phones ( if one comes with mediatek please just be quiet they are snot) still builds a lot for us militä, sparpla for 2 months about 50€

$ORI (-1,47%) <1% top versicherung jedoch innerhalb eines sparplanzyklus zu stark gestiegen(10%) damit derzeit zu teur sparplan ausgesetzt

wer es bis hier geschafft hatglückwunsch und danke fürs lesen

ich bin für sämltliche anregungen offen

zu dem punkt weshalb ich die von mir angesprochen en aktien die ich gerne verkaufen würde noch nicht verkauft hab.: bin mir noch nicht sicher was es genau anstelle dessen werden soll und solange gilt immer time in the market >timing the market.

therefore I am happy about suggestions what I should buy from the soon to be sold positions.

LG Drööd O Fant

Guarda il mio Cruscotto ora!
21 Commenti

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Brutally hard to read, as you do without all punctuation and (partly) paragraphs I dropped out after the first big block while reading However, you are thinking about your portfolio, so go for it Personally, there would just be far too many titles in total, which I would have to take care of
@Alpalaka yes quite justified criticism I find but on the field to post extremely poorly done so that you can read only a fraction of the text you have written
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@OFant Well, others manage it too :) Is the field for posting also the reason why you write without point and comma?
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@Alpalaka what a bad joke. Take a look at your opening text. Punctuation is probably not your own thing. Instruct others, but forget three dots and put commas where none belong. 🤣
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$FORTUM 1.29% former $UN01 mother and since the uniper has formerly belonged to my employer knows thezum largely the Finnish state->can not go bankrupt but unfortunately stehr high withholding tax and only partially refundable-> soon out, no savings plan That is me zb on the fast failed. There would be a point or comma already not bad
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@OFant With the length of the contribution I would write this beforehand in Word or Google Docs. There you can also save. Then the input field no longer plays a major role.
@D-Schredder for the next update of my depot then The question is only when that will be
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I understand that you find semiconductors interesting. If you are convinced by ASML and Broadcom, I would still kick the ETF. Rather spread the money across the stocks. Either you think you know the industry winners or you don't. I'd kick the ETF out, otherwise broadly diversified. If you can keep track, I think it's otherwise pretty good.
@KevinC fair point I make me Mal thoughts about it
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That Carnival is popular with "rich" I would question, since my girlfriend has worked 4 years for the Bude. I would rather call $HLAG, for luxury cruises.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur Travel is for the rich, especially cruises. If you see who there 4-6 times a year with an AIDA mittuckert already madness. With $CCL I have this yes times evenly my Invest doubled plus 400€ board credit.
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I would be interested to know how much you get net as an electrical engineer.

So currently again little am still in the study Before as a journeyman TV energy salary group D or E Were then (3 years ago ) without any allowances pretty much exactly 3200 gross and about 2k net In the study by the study support contract back to apprentice salary =1200 gross for apprentice a lot of money for all others much too little
Then probably salary level g are then I think currently 4600-4800 gross
I don't see any real strategy behind it (yet)... If it is supposed to be a core-satellite, then so far it is a much too small ETF core (without small caps from industrialized countries), and the stock picking in the satellites outweighs everything. So overall extremely speculative and risky so far. You think you have a lot of expertise on the individual stocks, but even the professional investors claim that, where even they can't predictably beat the market on schedule. (Only the random 2% casino winners among them.) You have so many decades left: better focus everything on the ETF core, and gamble only a very small percentage in the satellites. Then it is almost guaranteed that your wealth will double every 10 years, i.e. after 30 years it will be 8x as high ! Ergo: If you have saved 125.000 until 30 years of age, you will be a millionaire at 60 - with a very high pension for life !
@AlexBloch thank you for your feedback To your criticism: Currently (so no guarantee for the future) quite successful compared to an allworld or even just world quite well outperformed is of course not guaranteed in the future currently it runs but😃 I just wanted to share my thoughts on my shares I have said nothing about any expertise. If you had paid attention to what is saved you would have noticed that my largest savings plan share in the world and the EM flow. So I fulfill exactly what you say already Smallcaps I'm not sure how many you should have some perofrmen very well others go bust Performance is therefore not much higher than the big ones the volatility is much higher for it Currently my dividend payout is about 1300€ of which 250€ "tax free"/deferred by reserves repayments so I fill my tax allowance ->tax optimization The 7.x %return assumed by you statistically are just statistics and also no guarantee for the future
@OFant Small caps, of course, only in the form of a globally diversified ETF! 😉
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i am of the opinion that i actually have enough very large companies in the portfolio furthermore the large companies are very strongly represented in the etfs (apple MS$ Nvida etc) so why overweight them again individually otherwise the diversification in the portfolio will be gone again
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@DerCheruskerFuerst will be made tomorrow
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