
Today a discussion topic about hydrogen. Here the opinions go quite far apart - for some it is a hype & for others the future.

General information about hydrogen:

As a fuel source, hydrogen's energy conversion is two to three times more efficient than conventional engines.

So it can be driven a further distance with less fuel. The only waste product during production is water.

Hydrogen-powered vehicles do not emit any CO2 or other harmful gases such as volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.

Negative aspects:

The production of hydrogen is currently still very expensive and energy-intensive. Also, the cost of fuel cells and building the refueling infrastructure is too expensive.

Furthermore, only with regeneratively generated electricity - from the sun, wind or water power - can fuel cell technology be considered truly environmentally friendly.

What is your opinion on hydrogen? Does hydrogen have a future?

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14 Commenti

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I think that in the future the electric drive will prevail, but this does not mean that hydrogen will not play a role, but will be used in a smaller proportion of cars (5%-20%), because the production and transport of hydrogen requires significantly more energy than a normal electric car. However, I see especially in air traffic and trucks etc.. However, I see potential for hydrogen to become established, especially in air traffic and trucks etc., but it would still need a lot of research in these areas, which is blocked by the government through the sole promotion of electric drives. Therefore, I think that the government should not only support e-cars when it comes to subsidies, as it thus disadvantages/destroys other forms of propulsion that could be useful in the future.
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@JohannesJaehn With sunhydrogen's technology, filling stations can grow their own hydrogen on site. 🚀
In my opinion, it's not either or, but both. If the costs are reduced, there is a lot of potential behind the technology. However, most hydrogen stocks are valued on the stock market as if they were already making billions in profits, while many of them have hardly generated any sales that even come close to justifying such a valuation.
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In my opinion, you should think about it in a somewhat detached way

The future of hydrogen: Long-term storage of green electricity or to compensate for a lull, etc.

Storage is now hardly a problem

There are synthetic oils/fillers that bind the hydrogen and therefore no or little pressure is required (metal hydride tanks or LOHC technology)

I don't see much of a future for electric cars because the weight of the batteries is manageable and hydrogen can only be realized in conjunction with a load change compensation battery. you would have twice the effort in terms of maintenance and construction. you can also see that purely electric vehicles work well.

Trucks or commercial vehicles in the future yes. as there would be an immense amount of weight purely electric (charge quantity would be reduced)

Hydrogen systems are lighter and therefore more economical (Hyundai's test fleet is already in operation in Switzerland) ✌🏻✌🏻

I am invested for the long term and will remain so 👌🏻

Best regards Benni
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I think if you invest in the big companies like Shell and so on you are on the safe side.
The big companies will buy the profitable small companies . Besides, the big companies are guaranteed to have their drawers full of new fuels, I'm sure of that.
What do you think of this idea?
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If you look at what is needed to produce hydrogen, e.g. energy for electrolysis, then I see it more as hype. I also don't understand how you want to transport hydrogen to the end consumer, it diffuses incredibly. In my opinion, electric is not the solution either, it was just a matter of not leaving the market to China and they were forced to act. The production and disposal of batteries is contemptuous of people and the environment. Everyone has to decide for themselves which is the lesser evil. I'm not a moralizer either, I have BYD, Varta etc. in my depot.
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Even if that wasn't the question, I don't think electric and/or hydrogen are enough. Uranium will also play a major role in the future, even if only as a transitional solution.
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I think it is the future, suffers just too much hyped as already written...
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Unbelievable hype, the companies are not profitable and the companies that buy such hydrogen products are non-existent. The situation is different in cyber security, where Fortinet has Google as a customer.
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@leveragegrinde In 50 years, hydrogen will be profitable and ready for the mass market. I doubt whether the hyped companies will still be around then.
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Several car manufacturers such as Peugeot, Hyundai Nissan Daimler, Toyota are working at high pressure on hydrogen vehicles (not necessarily cars but rather commercial vehicles)

and this is only a small part of the automotive sector Synthetic fuels need hydrogen for production

Fuel cells are used in motorhomes
Emergency generators, wind power storage
Transporting energy in liquid form is easy and without losses

The market is huge
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10 years ago, the few electric cars were still hybrids and these were only seen occasionally

extreme progress is being made in this sector😊

and not to forget the most important thing hydrogen is the most abundant element in the world whereas lithium cobalt nickel ect. are definitely finite 😬
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