
Consideration of 2024 targets + new 2025 targets


Portfolio value (performance neutral)

Target 52 000€ -> +18 000€

Achieved 62 300€ -> +28 300€

Target 2025 -> 77 000€

Gross dividend

Target 1000€

Achieved 1018€

expected 2025 -> 1290€+

Daily allowance

Target 12 000€

Reached 13 300€

I would like to reach €15,000 by the end of 2025.

As I have an annual commute of 22,000 km, I'll have to buy a new car in 4 - 5 years' time if my current one no longer works.

In addition, several positions were sold in Q3 - Q4 ($O (-0,03%)
$BATS (+0,7%)
$SIX2 (-4,15%)
$ARCC (-2,73%)
$CVS (+2,04%)
$UNP (-0,29%)$NESN (+0,41%) ) and the focus was also placed on higher growth and dividend growth.

In principle, I have nothing against $UNP (-0,29%) but I see the growth opportunities at $CP (-0,37%) higher as well as a higher profit margin as soon as the acquisition of Kansas City has been optimally integrated into the company in order to work more efficiently.

1 Commento

immagine del profilo
Very cool that you have your annual goals so well in mind and share them with us.

Good luck for the future.
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