
$IE0003XJA0J9 (-1,37%)

An all-world ETF with a TER of 0.07% sounds very appealing. It has probably not yet been discussed here on getquin. According to the factsheet, the fund volume is 2 billion. The tracking difference needs to be looked at in the future but is currently worse than the $VWCE (-1,39%) which has a TER of 0.22 %. Since July, this has averaged 0.055 and Vanguard's 0.0075.

12 Commenti

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‼️ Caution at Amundi‼️

Amundi has a habit of merging ETFs or changing domiciles. The tax is therefore due.
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@Pezi But that was mainly due to the purchase of Lyxor a few years ago, wasn't it?

If the thing has enough AUM, I think the risk is quite low.
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@PassiveAggressive no, there were also a few such campaigns in 2024. @Hotte1909 was also affected, I think...
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@Pezi Correct. The $PR1W was affected in my case. It could even be that the one mentioned above is the successor. It had a volume of just under 3 billion at the time. I just had a look. In the meantime it is still 1.3 billion, I think the customers have withdrawn the money just like me.
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@Pezi Mergers are not a tax event per se. And it is very unlikely that $WEBN will leave its Irish domicile.
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@Kundenservice The ticker is not stored for this ETF.
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@AndyGhandy Thanks for the tip, we have forwarded it to our data supplier.
What other effects does this have on the tracking difference in the best/worst case scenario?
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@Charlyfirpo The TER describes the ongoing costs and the TD of how successfully the ETF tracks the index. This should be as low as possible, preferably even negative, but in any case lower than the TER. If two ETFs have the same TER but different TDs, this will lead to differences in performance.
@WarrenNakamoto okay, thanks. I am familiar with TER, but I have never read TD that far
So, what do u suggest? There are not other alternative with a lower ter and a food tracking error
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