
Where to park €250,000 in the short term?

I need some input for the above mentioned "problem 😅"

I actually won 250k in the Eurolotto on Friday. Now the big question for me is what to do with the money.

I've been self-employed for 4 years and now have a good 6k annual income. My savings rate in ETFs etc is now 3k a month.

I'm 34 and my girlfriend is 33 and we're about to have a child and possibly buy our own home.

TradeRepublic still offers 3.75% on call money, so I would park 100k there until the statutory deposit guarantee is reached, but what do I do with the rest? To another call money or $XEON (+0%) or $VDEV (+1,44%) although the investment period is probably too short for the latter.

Thanks for your input

23 Commenti

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I would divide as follows:
- 50k invest in the market
- Keep 100k in cash for now (fixed deposit 3-6 months) - get used to the money and make plans.
- 60k - 100k invest in the business (machinery, increase staff,...), this is where you will achieve the best return (if successful).
- 0 - 40k over 12 months increase the savings rate.

Edit: But the question is how the profit relates to the net assets. If you already have 1 million on the side anyway, I would be more aggressive with the money. But if the 250k is a multiple of the NV, I would want to put more aside for the house/child/family.

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Check the note again it is 280k first you make a getquin party in bawu, but if you are the winner from Brandenburg then no party, then immediately with the money own home.
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Maybe he has already deducted the 30k for the party 🥳😂
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@Koenigmidas Do you really think that you can still find usable homes for €250k in Brandenburg? 😅
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@Koenigmidas You get the property and a half-rotten barn with asbestos boards 😂😂😂😂
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I would simply invest it all in the money market fund, then you get the current interest rates and the money is then secured as special assets
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First of all, congratulations 🍾 if you want to "park" it safely, then $XEON would be the right choice for me.
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In my bank account, i leave the iban
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First of all, congratulations on winning. The $EXVM would also be an option (it's safer than the $XEON, which I would want to have for the amount).
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diggah congratulations. first of all k&n 🤑

would 100k n26 (4% interest)
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@calvinhayward I would do everything $DRO (100% p.a.)
You can transfer it to me, I'll manage it for you
How about Bondora Go & Grow at 6.75 %. Available daily. Otherwise actually fixed-term deposits. I wouldn't invest it in the market right now.
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Glückwunsch 🗡️💥
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Depending on whether you can determine exactly when you need the money, I would invest 75% in fixed-term deposits (I know when the money is needed) or in the money market (I have no idea when I need the money). I would invest the rest in an AllWorld ETF with more risk.
Of course, you can easily take the 100k TR with you for the time being
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@JJJanson I actually have no idea when I will need the money. As soon as I find a suitable property. I have a time window of 2-4 years in which I can stay in my current rent-free (only NK) apartment.
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In the 2-4 year horizon, I would actually increase the risk and put more into a World ETF. But that depends on your risk appetite. I would probably invest the rest in fixed-term deposits for 2 years, as I expect interest rates to fall and yields on the money market to drop. But it also depends on whether there are any good offers at the moment.

The bottom line is that I would invest 100k TR as long as interest rates are good, then $XEON, 100k world ETF and 50k fixed-term deposit or $XEON

Make something of it ✌️
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Congratulations! Everything else has already been written :-)
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Boy how awesome old man 😅
Congratulations to you, would personally put it in an ETF but split it up, so would put 2/3 in my ETF core and the rest in individual stocks and treat myself to something with a small part, no advice :)
Personally, I think I would invest it piece by piece over a longer period of time via a savings plan and take 3.75% interest with me in the meantime
If you want to have it available then $XEON
If you want to have it available then $XEON
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Short term / fixed income, fixed deposits and/or money market funds such as XEON (while interest rates are up).
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