
I would like to get some thoughts from you guys on the following:

For reasons (tax shit) I have around 100K for about 1 year. After that I have to give the money to father state (before I explained that is the year again so we accept it like that - ok? Yes I could give that back earlier but I don't want to).

Now the question how can I use the money in the meantime best.

in shares is of course nonsense because I take an inherent risk with it.

About Traderepublik and 2% interest I have thought. But is it really worth the stress for a few Euronen. With the risk that the interest rates are lowered conditions change and payouts may take forever. Are there possibly providers with more interest?

last but not least a very risky idea:

everything in $VWRL and then save back from the current salary... understandable?

I would be happy you can give me some food for thought. Thanks!

if I do not get any tips I invest in: $n/a (-0,17%)

19 Commenti

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Tax money? Give us our money back! But quickly! 🥴 (Otherwise call money account)
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Money market fund also goes, brings almost risk-free almost prime interest rates, currently about 3.5%, and can be sold at any time, unlike time deposits. $DBXT
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@Epi 1 year 0.7% ?
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@MainTyp After all, interest rates were still falling until October. 😂
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@Epi good morning, yes right there was something :)
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@Epi But you have to be aware that they are swap ETFs. I recently heard that there is also a risk in view of the current banking situation.
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@six Yes, that's right, that's the residual risk. I don't think these ETFs are part of the special assets and are not deposit-protected. You have to read everything carefully. You have to do the same with time deposits.
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What reason is that?! 😳 Everything kosher?! No matter for the investment only call money comes into question, otherwise you have after a year possibly big problems?!🤷‍♂️ Where is that just around the money?! Didn't you have to give any information about the origin of the money? Is already a Sümmchen.
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@GordonGekko83 absolutely legal and simply due to stupid tax regulations in DE. So don't worry. 😅
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You could possibly look at government bonds with the appropriate maturity. For example, for about 1 year https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/anleihe/de0001104875-deutschland-bundesrepublik-0-000-22-24
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🤔 you give it to me, then I give you back 105,000 at the end of the year so 5%.
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@Smudeo sounds fair, just comment your bank data here and then it fits.
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Also have a look at the LYX047. This is a Lyxor money market ETF in Euro. It gives you pretty much the current ECB interest rate.
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I have formed IABs, so I have the money in doubt 3 years. You will probably pay 1.8% interest to the tax office, right? If so, you have to exceed that, of course. Another option would be bonds with a short remaining useful life. But of course, they also have a certain risk.
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Short-term bonds?
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I have my tax reserves at Scalable and Trade Republic because I already had the accounts there. If the interest rates or conditions change there, you can still open a call money account or two. The interest rates are still on the rise anyway. The decision of today can be wrong the day after tomorrow.
To your thought regarding TR: interest 2% only on max. 50k settlement etc. Runs easy and reliable and fast 🤷🏽‍♀️
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@D-Duck thanks now I only have to understand what it's actually about but I'm sure I'll get there 😅
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