
$PPL (-1,78%) - is it correct that according to the dividend overview there are 3 payouts due at Pembina in December ?!? On the 15th, 29th and 30th ?!?

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The data displayed there still belongs to the 2023 forecast for dividends. The forecast always takes the data from the previous year and projects it to the current year to show possible (!) payouts. As soon as more current data comes in, the dividends are replaced. For example, our system does not yet know that 2022 was paid annually, but from 2023 onwards it has switched to a quarterly dividend. Since this is not known, monthly distributions are still displayed accordingly. However, as soon as the date has passed and no other information comes in, the forecast is simply removed. :)
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Eigtl not, on 14.12. should be ex-day and on 29.12. payday, is thus warschl a case for the @Kundenservice
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