
It’s never too early

I don‘t get the people saying that a purchase was too early.


Even if the person investing says that they’re planning to invest long-term.

Except if you somehow found a way to build a Time Machine, you can never know how to market will do, you can speculate and look at factors but you can‘t know for sure.

I‘m sure everyone has wished that they had bought shares back when e.g. $AAPL (+1%) or $GOOGL (+0,78%) were cheap.

Same with the corona pandemic, if you had bought the $VUAG (+1,31%) at it’s lowest point in 2020 you would today be up about 140% - If you had bought it just before the crash you would still be up 80%.

If you‘re planning to buy but want to wait because the market could still go down more, do that - but don’t expect others to do the same 😄

Most people can‘t hear it anymore - me included - but there’s always this one person that believes they can time the market, you can‘t, if you think you did then it was probably luck.

Anyways who am I to say

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