
@7Trader the position was opened today with a little thought for you.

Although I have to say that with Exor's $PHIA (-1,97%) share I am already a little bit positioned. It's a shame that they've stopped developing robotics. I would have liked to have seen a 2 $ISRG (-5,36%) seen. Especially as Siemens has invested a lot of human capital in it.

Maybe things will go better with $AFX (-5,51%) better with the robots

Siemens Healthineers logo
Acquistato x6 a 49,48 €
296,88 €
7 Commenti

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I think $GEHC would be more exciting if there was an analysis of it. But $AFX is a top value in my opinion
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@Soprano $GEHC is also more exciting, if only because they come from the USA. I will certainly buy some more, but I'll put it this way. They didn't fall below my limit order today & Siemens has a few other focal points. Both are definitely spin-offs from large corporations, which I really like. There are pros and cons, but Siemens and GE have always remained innovative and the more spin-offs they produce, the better the brands and also the capital synergies.
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@Soprano AFX will definitely be difficult. I think most of them will find it increasingly difficult. Don't expect the China problem to be solved so quickly or easily
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@topicswithhead So what? You can't just want to make your success dependent on China. They are still technology leaders regardless of what the Chinese do. In the short term, of course, part of the sales market is missing, but it is not yet the case that companies cannot survive without the Chinese market.
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@Soprano That's true, of course, but in the end it's all about sales and even as a technology company, Carl Zeiss doesn't have it easy in NA. Let's see how the management will improve the sales channels in order to gain a foothold there as well. I think the other markets need to be played better in order to reduce the China risk.
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@trader_385 I'm relaxed about it. I think you get such a huge discount, and rightly so, that you can simply forget about the "bad" stocks. Ferrari, Philips (if they pursue their strategy), the econmist and co are interesting stocks and it's not as if Stelantis and Iveco are such bad stocks. I rather see Juventus Turin as a bad investment. Soccer and the stock market are simply underperforming and then it's not even a top club
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