
A quick look at my "Krypton successors"

I am glad that I have taken crypto profits and shifted into equities. In line with my strategy, I'm shifting into distributors, which should finance my new accumulation via dividends in the coming bear market so that I don't have to use my net salary. The $HSBA (-3,37%) is one of the major British banks with a focus on Asian business and one of the successors in which my profits and investments from $XRP (-5,86%) , $LINK (-6,31%) , and a tranche $UNI (-5,18%) have flowed into. Of course, crypto in general is only a small part of my assets, hence the amounts invested in the "followers", but HSBC really stands out with a strong +24% performance since December. Wow! I didn't expect that at all. I love such defensive stocks and even more their cash flow. More information will probably be available at the end of next week in my February review.

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