

$VUAG (-0,29%)

Crossed the £200,000 invested mark.

Let's not talk about returns this year, yet.

3 Commenti

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Forecasted US economic shrinkage of 2.8% in Q1.
Inflationary tariffs in effect.

Imagine becoming profitable with that position in 10 years!

😂 Just kiddin'.
We have to keep up morale with humor somehow.
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Absolutely, I am feeling sad as I cannot buy more , as no more cash till 7th April in UK. It's my ISA
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@Arjoyrin Congrats on crossing the 200k mark!
Given the massive outperformance of the last years and consequent overvaluation, I'm not in a hurry to deploy my 20% cash.
I will let my savings plan do that over the course of the year.
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