
The depot has been running for a good year now. After some back and forth, I have now decided with $VWRL (-1,06%) , $OHI (-0,9%) and $O (-0,15%) I have found a combination that I consider suitable for the long term.

I invest in these three stocks on a monthly basis in the ratio 70/15/15. The dividends are regularly reinvested via adjusted savings plans. The long-term goal is to supplement the pension in 20 years through the distributions. And that's without having to reduce or restructure the portfolio.

I have not yet decided what to do with the other positions in the portfolio.

Guarda il mio Cruscotto ora!
9 Commenti

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If at all, I would get a REIT ETF as an admixture. Spreading 30% over 2 stocks is already very risky 😁
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I wouldn't invest 30% of the savings rate in REITS now 🧐 The $VWRL is rock solid though :)
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70% broad market + 30% high dividend stocks - can be done. But I see it like the others: too lumpy. I would distribute the 30% of individual shares among at least 6 companies, better 10.
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@randomdude but his savings rate is not enough for this If he has been saving for a year and 30% is 400€, then I would not split it into 6 titles Therefore, it is better to first invest everything in the etf and if you can invest more at some point, he can also get individual titles in addition
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@TreasureHunter did you sell off your single position again?🥰
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@tommycash I had bat at the start in the meantime. But we both know the true way. More I had therefore not even bought 🫣
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@TreasureHunter thought P&G was still temporarily in the depot - glad you left the devil's way again 🤌
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@tommycash I had thought about it, but then I stood my ground
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The Vanguard is already ok, but as a mixture I would not only 2 Reits besparen, then rather 8-10 from each Reitsparte one. E.g. $AMT $WY $SRU.UN $EXR $IIPR etc. But I would also only buy tranches and do not make savings plans on Reits. Look best times in the depots of our dividend hunters.
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