
Make clever use of your tax refund: What would you do with EUR 1,613?

Yesterday I set myself the challenge of completing my tax return using the Taxfix tax software and submitting it to the tax office on the same day. The expected result was EUR 1,613.00. To be honest, I had expected a higher refund in tax year 2024 due to the high tuition fees of around EUR 4,240 and other factors. But as is so often the case in life, the tax office and the tax return surprise us in an amusing way. :-)

Imagine you receive an additional capital inflow of EUR 1,613.00 - how would you use this amount? Would you invest in new shares, build on your existing positions, invest in ETFs, go for precious metals or plunge into the world of cryptocurrencies? I look forward to hearing your ideas and personal experiences on this scenario!

Out of pure interest in an exchange of opinions: If you can take a look at my current portfolio, which positions would you consider worth buying in the event of a similar influx of capital? I am also happy to receive the odd humorous comment ;-)

$VHYL (+1,52%)
$FUSD (+0,61%)
$D6RM (+1,56%)

$TSLA (-1,09%)
$GOOGL (+0,19%)
$MS (-1,15%)
$CS (+0,32%)
$NOVO B (-1,34%)
$ASML (+1,4%)
$MUV2 (+0,23%)
$CNQ (+1,19%)
$GGG (+0,8%)
$MC (-2,24%)
$DHL (-0,8%)
$TKA (+1,88%)
$RIO (-1,12%)
$ADBE (-0,14%)
$MPW (+4,65%)

$BICO (-2,37%)
$9866 (+4,37%)
$TECO (-67,57%) (Insolvency filed)

$965515 (-0,51%)

$BTC (-3,62%)
$ETH (-4,67%)
$ADA (-6,08%)
$FET (-10,57%)
$BNB (-4,49%)
$CAKE (-4,24%)
$AXS (-5,34%)

34.713,46 €
33 Commenti

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First tip: Next time do your taxes with Buhl - Wiso Steuer.
Second tip: Start building up a solid ETF position and run a savings plan on it.
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@Dr27589 Taxfix is great, I've been using it for years 😉

PS: for foreigners like me, makes everything easier
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I've been using Taxfix for a few years now and have been very satisfied so far. But this year I had to pay €49.99 instead of €35.99. Maybe next year I'll look at/try doing my taxes with WiSo 🤔

I have two ETFs in my portfolio that are to be expanded as a basis. That's part of my new strategy - about 37.50% of total holdings. I may use this inflow of capital to increase the weighting.

I have currently paused savings plans, partly due to the high tuition fees, and am currently only investing with the surplus or 13th/14th salary. I should start again from May 2025!

Thanks for your feedback! Mega. 😄
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@BurhanAbi take a look at it. You'll get good recommendations on every single point. It's great, even if you don't know your way around.

Keep expanding. It probably won't do any harm :)

@Dr27589 or to a tax advisor, the tax apps only have general tax deductions and do not know every tax guideline
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@Scrooge1 That's right. For 0815 tax returns, however, this is enough for many people.
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@Scrooge1 Then you can get rid of a few hundred euros more quickly 😂 😂 😂
The software is perfectly adequate for most people.
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@Dr27589 1 I can only agree with you. I've already done my 2024 tax return with Buhl WISO Steuer, I just have to send it off. Expected refund of €5,700. But that's also because around €20,000 was invested in a property. But still nice.
2 I would keep one portfolio for retirement provision and a second portfolio for a dividend strategy.
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@Leonard0499 ehm question. Is invested money for owner-occupied property also possible? I spent just under €110K last year and still have a small loan outstanding
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Unexpected money is transferred directly to $BTC.
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@Artiskon I don't see $BTC in your overview. Would it be a first purchase in your case, or is your $BTC simply not tracked?
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@BurhanAbi I only track the securities accounts here.
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One half for "life" - vacation etc. and the other half in the custody account 😉
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@mami_goes_boerse There's something to it 😁
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I always do the same with the tax refund:

50% is for the next vacation and the other 50% I put into a savings plan position, so probably $IWDA.

Simple and comparatively uncomplicated. You have to be honest and admit to yourself that most people lose money with stockpicking because they don't achieve an index return.
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@Staatsmann That sounds like a very good and sensible plan! I should probably do the same :)
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Vacation and reserve
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Your money would have been better invested in $XEON than with this portfolio and the trades you've made over the years. In the last five years, you have only achieved an annual return of 3.14%... 😥.

I would urgently rethink your strategy.
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@TechNav My performance (overall) is 5.44% p.a. I have also used the last five years to try out various strategies (back and forth empties the pockets). Unfortunately, many shares have soared after I sold them and I was unable to take the profits. What dragged my performance down again were the old stocks, which are very risky (similar to penny stocks) and altcoins. Since I stopped making these mistakes, my performance looks better, last 12 months a performance of 19.67% and total of about 23.22% :-)

But since this year I now have a fixed strategy that I want to follow for several years, and hopefully will continue to give me the performance (total) mentioned above.

So, no more back and forth, no more high risk stocks/penny stocks and no more altcoins.

And the $XEON has risen by 1.20% p.a. in the last 5 years :-)

Finally, I would like to thank you for your frank words.
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@BurhanAbi XEON not the last 5 years, but the increase since the interest rate turnaround - serves as a substitute for overnight money.
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@Dr27589 Thanks for the hint! Then I got it wrong 😂😅

Learned something new again. ✍️
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I usually divide it into vacation, cash reserves and a portion in the custody account.
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@DADlikesCRYPTO That sounds like a very good and sensible plan!
I would just invest it in Krypton, hold it for a year and save on taxes! But only because the money comes from the tax office 😂
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@asset_engineer_991 Tax office (not) loves this trick 😂🤣
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Burhan kardes, pump into bitcoin and be happy in a few months 🚀🚀🚀🚀
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@KoenigsRasse I will soon switch my altcoins to Bitcoin and then see how much money I still need to reach my 5% limit. 👊🏼
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Yes, I did that too, without exception, although I had a Bitcoin buyin of €48,000, I depreciated my rate to €70,000 and put everything into Bitcoin $BTC Ethereum $ETH Solana $SOL
Switched. I can well imagine Bitcoin scratching the $70,000 mark again. But I sleep much more relaxed and I want to hold this position for the long term. 💪🏻💪🏻
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Savings rate remains the same, unexpected 50/50 life and custody account.
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Would rather use it as a reserve at the moment
And now imagine if you had filed your tax return about 12 months ago.... you would have already achieved a decent return
@Zwick123 How is that supposed to work? Then it's best to do the same for 2025 and 2026, true to the motto: what I have, I already have🤣
I estimate expenses & income in my favor🤣🤣🤣🤣
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@Charlyfirpo This way and no other!
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