
Portfolio now complete

Took advantage of the current situation on the stock market and $BRK.B (-0,2%) into the portfolio.

Portfolio thus complete.

60% Core (ETF)

40% satellites (16 individual stocks)

Berkshire Hathaway (B) logo
Acquistato x10 a 454,25 €
4.542,50 €
2 Commenti

immagine del profilo
Instead of Nike, why not anta Sports, which is active in the same segment? It would be better diversified because they are a Chinese company and you have little exposure there
immagine del profilo
@Investingyoung With BYD, I already have a Chinese share and that's basically enough for me.
I opted for Nike back then because I was more convinced by them.
To be honest, I can't do Anta Sports either.
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