The gray November showed what it can do. Rain, clouds, cold and wet. It was just the perfect weather for me to go hiking and ice bathing. Especially in the second half of the month, the temperatures headed towards freezing point. I was finally able to hike and ice bathe in temperatures that were perfect for toughening up. So while I was trudging through Saxon Switzerland in the first decent snow from sunrise to sunset and bathing in ice water at 1°C for two proud minutes, on the other side of the pond the newly elected president unleashed the "Trump wave", which lifted all our deposits and wallets. Time for a look back.
I present the following points for the past month of November 2024:
➡️ Shares
$AVGO (-0,66%) , cooled off in terms of performance in the past month. Of course, its +169% is impressive, but the positions behind it are not sleeping. $NFLX (-2,48%) is close behind with +151%. This also applies to the volume invested. It's hard to believe that the streaming giant is doing so well. I didn't think the company would see such rosy times again. All due respect! Together with Netflix, it is also $WMT (-3,53%) in terms of volume and is already at +89% in terms of performance. I would hardly have expected such a boring business model to deliver such a stable performance. At the lower end $DHR (-1,72%) Dick is still in the red. For me, this is still the result of the unbundling. $NKE (+0,61%) and $TGT (-0,38%) have problems with their business figures and $OR (+0,05%) certainly also. I would be happy to add to this, if only I had significantly large sums to spare.
➡️ ETFs
I'll spare myself the typical "everyone has to have this" blah-blah-blah this time and my $VWRL (-0,2%) is the heavyweight of my entire securities portfolio at 13.41%. You know what I mean. The only thing I have to say is that financial education in Germany is still inadequate and something needs to be done about it. Now one party is stating in its platform that capital gains should be taxed as a secondary type of income like a main type of income. Such a demand is simply the result of a lack of financial education and - excuse my language - stupidity. For me, this party is absolutely unelectable. But that goes beyond the scope. Politics does not belong in my program, but perhaps there will be a separate post here about why I am ultimately an absolute fan of the capital gains tax - simple flat tax. Hopefully, more and more young people will join the capital markets and use their votes to ensure that left-wing non-performance-related blah-blah-blah will soon be a thing of the past. Because we must not leave Germany behind.
➡️ Dividends
I received 19 distributions on 8 payout days in November. I am grateful for this additional income stream. My minimum target has been met again. Even in this low-distribution month. I can therefore now safely increase the size of the reinvestment of the distributions. From next month, €105 will be reinvested instead of the planned €80. I have already explained how my reinvestment strategy works in a separate article. The snowball rolling down the slope is getting bigger and bigger.
➡️ Cashback
In November there was a small payout from the health insurance bonus program. Otherwise the month was poor in terms of cashback. But that will come again in December.
➡️ Subsequent purchases
Two small additional purchases were made to boost the cash flow in my old portfolios On November 7 and 8, small sums went into the $GGRP (+0,49%) and $SPYD (+0,96%) .
➡️ P2P loans
I want to continue to cut back and get rid of the two remaining platforms. Only Mintos and Peerberry are left. There has been no interest for a long time.
This asset class will soon be history for me
➡️ Crypto
Wow! What a month. The red Trump wave has really boosted my crypto portfolio. Can you still remember the days when $BTC (-3,63%) were bobbing around at under 70K? The price level was totally unusual. I'm wide awake now and haven't just been on the sidelines for a long time. I regularly check the prices and a few indicators. The first limit orders were already triggered at $xrp in November. At USD 1.10, this token was kicked out of my portfolio. Of course I could have done more, but I went home with a good profit. As I write now, the next limit orders will be triggered soon. I described how my strategy works, what assumptions I make and where I see the exits in great detail in two posts earlier this month. As of now, no subsequent dividend stock or dividend ETF has been bought from the proceeds, from whose dividends the additional purchases will be made in the new bear market. But I am sure that this will happen this year.
➡️ What is really important
Thanks to the automation of long-term wealth accumulation, there is enough time to focus on the important things in life. Because the end of it is sure to come.
With a healthy lifestyle, I want to delay the end as much as possible. And yet I'm currently thinking about who I want to leave my estate to at some point. It certainly won't be the state, it's already cashing in well on taxes. Regular readers can now imagine who might be in my favor. I'll have to deal with the subject of wills at some point. In any case, I want to sort it out somehow when I'm young, even if it's subject to change.
At the end of the month, I spent time with the kids again, whose father I would have liked to have been myself. The older one has now reached an age where she's slowly beginning to realize that she's not growing up in such good financial circumstances. After I made a firm commitment to her during our trip to Berlin to support her with her dreams and her future, I also took action. It is important to me to introduce the child to financial education step by step. My principle is not to encourage and challenge at the same time. Let's see how well I succeed, I'm certainly very optimistic.
➡️ Outlook
Why I have dollar signs in my eyes when I see my utility bill and where I'm donating some of my earnings in December, as well as the further course of my implemented crypto strategy, will be revealed in December. In any case, the month is full of excitement, as 2 more cryptocurrencies will soon be released from my wallet.
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