
New joiner, how am I doing?

Hi all! I recently joined this platform to help me visualize how my investments are actually spread over various sectors, countries, and currencies and to learn more about investment in general. I'm generally risk averse and definitely plan to stay in the game for the long term (20, more likely 30+ years) to build for my retirement (where I live there's supposed to be social security for retirement, but I doubt I'll ever see it when it's going to be my turn)

I'm looking to draw on your experience to get some feedback on how I've structured my portfolio. Like, is $VHYL (+1,07%) worth it? is $V80A (+1,09%) redundant, or would I be better served by $V20A (+0,01%) or perhaps any other Bond-type ETF? Thanks! :D

89.692,51 €
6 Commenti

Buongiorno, I see a lot of stocks in this portfolio for someone who is ''risk averse'' . I like the 50% in the European market, it's should pay a lot nowadays, but in 20 years? Who knows. At this point, since you already invested a lot in stocks ETF, I would not care about a Lifestrategy; just buy some bonds, or bond ETFs.
@piolfa Thanks for your answer, I appreciate it. I suppose that my risk aversion shows more as me not buying individual stocks but rather following macro-markets only.
As I'm an European citizen, I have to hope that the EU market will do well long term, because if it doesn't my life would have been upset so much that I'll have bigger fishes to fry :D more seriously though the plan is to balance the exposure between USA/EU/Rest of world to cover most of what can be reasonably expected to happen (I want to put a bit more into Asia, Pacific + Japan for this reason)

Right now I have 41% in US, 39% in EU+UK, 20% RoW
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looks great, honestly it seems very spread out and the results show for it.
perhaps if you want some more dividend you can go for a $TDIV , or $JEGP
@stevemeister96 thanks! I’ll take a look into both of them.
When you say that my portfolio looks very spread out, is that a good thing, or is it too spread out?
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i geuss you can benchmark your portfolio here on getquin and see how well your is doing vs a stock, or sp500.

Personally i like it.

to me... dividends help me keep my head cool when markets are down :)
@stevemeister96 cheers, I'll try the benchmark feature then :)
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