
Would appreciate portfolio feedback.

Briefly about me: I am 25 years old and about to finish my second education.

My monthly savings rate varies between 100-300€.

I follow a dividend strategy, as I want to use the payouts to pay smaller bills or fixed costs. But it will be a while before I get there 😄

I've also been thinking about opening a third account for a while now and only saving in growth stocks there.

Savings plans currently:

$WLD (+0,34%) - 55€ monthly

$SPYD (+0,96%) - 50€ monthly

From next month additionally the $VHYL saved.

Individual shares will be purchased on a one-time basis.

Constructive criticism is welcome. 🤟

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14 Commenti

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Runs with you. I'm a big fan of Mondelez: no matter which European country you go to, the candy - icons are theirs 🙏
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@Robwe yes i am curious about the numbers today 😄
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@Finanzios not even noticed 😆 Never mind: if it goes down, just buy more :-)
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@Robwe that's exactly how I see it 👍🤟
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Your two ETFs already covered mean almost 80% US share. Is that the intention? What goals you are pursuing with another world ETF is unclear to me.
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@UweG Yes, this is the intention. The additional Etf does not distribute in the same months as the existing one. 👍😄
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Hello Pascal, your portfolio looks very solid to me. As a "beginner" I recommend ETFs to reduce the risk. Therefore, I would also bet on ETF's in your place to spread the risk. Have a look at my portfolio. I also follow a dividend strategy and invest in three ETFs that focus on dividends. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me 🙃.
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@M_P have your comment just seen. 🥴 I like your portfolio very much. 🚀👍
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@Dividenden_Tom Yes, I had a lot of individual stocks with a small investment at the beginning. An etf is out of the question for me, as I am aiming for several payout months that are preferably all different. 👍😄
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@Finanzios You can always reallocate once you have created a certain foundation in your portfolio. Until then, cents or single-digit dividend payments are not worth it. Therefore I am completely with Tom
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@Krush82 Yes, I just did not like it and there were values that I had bought blindly. Typical beginner's mistake. As it is now, I am satisfied. Before that, there were too many individual values with too little effort.
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@DerDividendenStudent hey cool thanks! 👍 I also bought a lot of individual shares at the beginning, because of the dividend. Was of course nonsense 🥴 Meanwhile I put on Divi-Bluechips and the Etfs. Savings rate goes probably from August high (exam in April+May) and my goal is then monthly 500-600€ to invest and split 👍 But cool thing that we drive the same strategy. Can like to exchange us now and then 🤟
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