
Ouch, that hurts! Could not look at the misery more and have $VLA (-1,79%) kicked out of the depot.....and ne a lot of expensive lesson paid 🙈

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Venduto x200 a 5,218 €
1.043,60 €
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And what did you learn from that?
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@Chandra Gambles belong hedged! Have unfortunately deleted my stop loss at the time in mental derangement and hoped that the price comes back.....
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I also have in the depot but I continue to believe in the company!
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@Speggi there I unfortunately lacked the patience...🧐
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Was me a few months ago the same, were also -47%... learning money🫡
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@brd Take a look at Timo Baudzus. He's buying them heavily because he sees a lot of opportunities in them.
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@brd cannot be compared. Valneva will not make any profits in the next few years. At JD the company development is exactly the opposite of the share price. 75% EPS increase on the next 3 years, heaps of free cash flow etc.
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