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I've had it on my watch for a long time because you can increase profits and sales by double digits every year. And the EbiT margin is almost 50%. The KUV is of course very high.
I find Sweden very interesting anyway.
I've been following it for some time now
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@Tenbagger2024 I love the Swedes, great companies with a great dividend policy. I only use WER (weighted efficiency ratio) in some cases, I don't even know if this actually exists as a valuation method, I actually made it up myself. It's practically like PEG ratio only adjusted with ROE ROCE ROIC
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Sounds interesting. I don't think you should look too closely at the valuation of such growth stocks anyway. You're only just growing into the valuation. Fundamentally, I really like Fortnox.
What do you think of $HMS?
I really like the business model. When a machine is down, it costs the company a lot of money. That's why remote maintenance, analysis and perhaps repair will be a great help. I think the solutions could also play a role in making machines more and more AI-capable
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@Tenbagger2024 I really like HMS, but unfortunately I'm already very well positioned with Addtech and Lifco in terms of specialized machinery. $INDT is also very interesting.
I found a real gem that I am currently analyzing $4498 Japanese cyber security small cap with really great growth and recurring revenue.
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Thank you, both very interesting. I'll take a look at them. In terms of Japanese stocks, I'm currently following
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@Tenbagger2024 very cool thanks
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@Tenbagger2024 I just got a tax refund from TR and opened a tracking position with Cybertrust, which was a sign.
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This is the way
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Hard to find any figures on Cybertrust
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@Tenbagger2024 I got everything from their quarterly reports. it's always difficult with the Japanese. And they are a small cap on the Japanese stock exchange that went public in 2021, so I don't think you can make it any harder for us.