
Hello everyone,

I'm 20 and I started investing 400 euros a month in February this year.

I'm currently investing regularly this 400 euros in an accumulation plan divided like this:

100euros each on $CSPX (-1,31%) and $IWRD (-1,47%)

Then 50euros each on $XAIX (-1,56%) and $EIMI (-1,47%)

and then 20euros each on $XOM (-0,3%)
$MO (-0,05%)
$MCD (-0,4%)
$DOW (-1,01%) and $CUBE (+0,21%)

at the same time I'm also reinvesting my dividends.

I'm looking to diversificate more my portfolio since most of the stocks I have are based in the North America zone and mostly in the tech industry and I was hoping for some advice on how to have a better diversification and some advice about dividend growth.

8.832,73 €
9 Commenti

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Gran bel Pft..avrei tenuto BTC per la prox bull run che non è ancora iniziata..
@Desertzero tornassi indietro li terrei e ne comprerei altri solo che in quei mesi avevo veramente poca esperienza e feci sto trade veramente a caso
You are still young, in that case I would skip on all dividend stocks and ETFs. In my view those are good once you have reached your saving goals and want to play it safe. Until then you will only loose on performance.

Coca Cola for example gives roughly about 3.5% dividend, that's well in the range of inflation meaning you hardly make money at all.
Whereas with a good ETF on s&p 500 or Berkshire Hathaway you will make real profit for the next 10 years and more.
And since you have much time ahead I would also go for some Nasdaq 100 etf, they are very much tied to the FEDs interest rate, thus sometimes they will go down quite a bit, but Nasdaq is always fast to recover. And over several years there is a really good performance. Can you imagine a world without tech companies?

You can also go for wide moat ETFs if you wan more diversity.

The key point as I had to learn myself is to invest into something that you can keep for 10-20 years. And for that s&p 500 and Nasdaq 100 are great if you don't need the money.
The biggest mistake is to swap in and out stocks or ETFs and having to pay tax on your profits again and again. Tax payed is money missed for reinvesting, and loosing money because of missed compound interest really hurts badly over 10 or even 20 years.
And for individual stocks you should always choose those that even after tax perform better than s&p 500, otherwise it is a waste.

And if you want performance there is no way around US stocks.
60% of all global stocks are US stocks.
And stay away from emerging markets, the performance is meager.
For the time being, since many companies flee China and Chinas population will grow rapidly old soon enough, many move to other countries. For the next few years (maybe much longer) India ETFs seem to be a very good alternative to US stocks.
Currently they perform even much better than S&P 500.
@UndNun thank you so much for your advice!
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Ragazzo piccolo consiglio se gli ETF totalmente ti fanno il 9,30% e le azioni 7% allora ti consiglio di mettere di più in ETF e non provare a battere il mercato con quelle azioni che hai. Poi di consiglio di vendere quelle azioni sotto a cento dollari poiché non hanno senso. Se hai 8 Mila euro ti consiglio di rivedere la tua strategia perché o vai aggressivo oppure fai una pac sugli ETF Word
@Wiski03 allora in realtà sugli ETF investo regolarmente 300€ al mese fissi mentre tutte le altre stock le acquisto solitamente quando ho della liquidità “che avanza” tipo 13esima, 14esima e soldi vari che avanzano, quindi col passare del tempo la percentuale di ETF nel portfolio andrà ad aumentare in proporzione alle azioni, in più quelle stock sotto i 100€ non sono buttate lì a caso ma anche in quelle 5 sto investendo 20€ al mese (quindi 100€) finché non arriverò ad una somma decente giusto per aumentare l’entrata da dividendi e magari poi quei 100€ andare a investirli piuttosto in qualche altro ETF
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Non serve avere tutte quelle stock non è diversificazione è dispersione, se l' s&p500 fa -10% ipotetico non hai una posizione coperta.
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@PowerWordChill I’m currently investing in the USA market mostly since i think it’s the easiest to aknowledge as a newbie and it’s also the one i have more knowledge about.
obviously i know that i need to diversificate more and i want to but i think i need to understand first new markets before than just start investing without a minimum consciousness
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