
How do you rate my portfolio?

I have been investing since 2023 and have sporadic savings plans from $IWDA, $AVGO and in a $VUAG. I reorganized my portfolio at the beginning of 2024 and unfortunately made the mistake of having savings plans in three actually identical ETFs (MSCI World, S&P 500 and a FTSE All-World). I sold the Vanguard FTSE All-World in December 2024 with a 10 percent profit and invested the money in a FTSE All-World High Dividend.

Over the course of 2024, I added several individual stocks such as Rheinmetall, DHL Group, Allianz, TUI, etc.

I also tried my hand at trading derivatives, but that went wrong and I want to say goodbye to the derivatives in my portfolio in the near future. I would like to sell several individual stocks, such as Geely Auto and TUI.

The following savings plans are currently running:

150 € $IWDA (-0,54%)

30€ $VHYL (+0,17%)

30€ $HEMC (-0,48%)

30€ $EXUS (+0,03%)

25€ Alphabet (A)

10€ Allianz, Broadcom, Siemens Energy, MasterCard, McDonalds, Altria, Realty Income, PepsiCo, NovoNordisk,

15€ Bitcoin

I am aware that I have very little experience and have made a lot of mistakes and am certainly not pursuing an optimal strategy at the moment. How do you rate my portfolio and do you have any suggestions for improvement?

7.358,69 €
5 Commenti

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As you yourself have already correctly noted, there are far too many positions for the size of the portfolio and, above all, everything seems a bit strategically loose. Nothing more can be expected from the long certificates on $YOU, the Zalando thing is almost over.

So-> let ETF savings plans run, radically thin out individual positions and learn from them
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Think about what your strategy is and then act accordingly.
For example, what reason do you have to invest in 9 individual stocks at €10?
If it should be an Allianz share in 3 years then okay, but personally I would thin out the portfolio and focus on your favorite companies.
My approach would have been that I want to invest for the long term with my ETF and I wanted to save €10 each in individual shares in order to invest in these companies for the long term and also increase the dividends every year
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@ya301kr In the end, everyone has to know for themselves.
Just roughly calculate what you would hold in shares in 10 years, for example, with the current savings rate.
Or calculate if you thin out your portfolio and turn 9 individual stocks into maybe 4, then you've already made a good profit.
Or you are happy as it is, then it's also good.
Just a little food for thought.
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A maximum of 25 individual positions and a maximum of 3 ETFs are sufficient.
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