
That's it for SAB 121!

The SEC has finally repealed the controversial SAB 121 directive, which made the custody of $BTC (-3,13%) and cryptocurrencies virtually impossible for traditional banks in the USA. This has resulted in a kind of monopoly position for $COIN (-2,62%) which therefore, for example, all $BTC (-3,13%) of the spot ETFs and $MSTR (-0,42%) were allowed to store them. This will most likely change in the future.

Furthermore, loans collateralized with Bitcoin will now be possible, which could be another potential price driver.

This directive should have been repealed last year. However, President Joe Biden vetoed it shortly before it was due to take effect.


8 Commenti

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Well, that went faster than expected! Only yesterday I had written that Senator Lumis could now take up the cause in her new role, but that has now become unnecessary. She should now concentrate fully on not missing the 180-day deadline for recommending the reserve. 😜
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Isn't that bad for $COIN? They lose their monopoly and with it a lot of business?
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@Bigtechfuture Monopolies are usually bad for the market and only good for the monopolist
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The question is whether I'd rather sell Coinbase now or whether that doesn't make up a relevant proportion of sales?
Does anyone know anything about this?
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@Bigtechfuture Coinbase will not go bankrupt as a result. The custody business will probably decrease a little, but I don't think it will amount to much. You'd have to take a look at the annual report. But I don't think you would have to sell Coinbase because of this.
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Stefan I have a question. With 21 Bitcoin you have to sign your wallet with a message from 1k. Is it technically possible to send a signed message with Tangem?
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@Alexander_Bitcoin Hi :)
After it came out that the seed phrase for the Tangem wallet was partially sent to Tangem in plain text by email, I would advise you to use a different wallet anyway😅
Signing a message is relatively easy with open source desktop wallets such as Sparrow or Electrum. I would see if you can use one of them with Tangem :)
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