
Hello everyone,

I would also like to introduce myself and my portfolio briefly and concisely.

I've been a silent reader for a few months now. Now it's time to reveal a bit about myself.

About me:

My name is Sebastian, I'm 30 years old and I live in Bavaria. I live with my girlfriend in a house I inherited from my parents. I work in the business world as a mechanical engineer.

I can't say exactly when I started investing. I probably started about 4-5 years ago by participating in share bonus programs through my work. Otherwise, my investments have been steadily increasing since the coronavirus era. I was mainly triggered by Finfluencer. There are good and bad things about that. Good: I started investing. Bad: I bought a lot of things stupidly/blindly. I'm now trying to straighten that out and no longer follow such people.

Monthly savings rate approx. 2.5 to 3.0 k€.

I am not fully invested. I have and will continue to have a good cash position.

About the portfolio:

The aim is to create a healthy mix of growth, dividends (growth) and a stable, healthy basis. The dividends also serve somewhat as a "bonus".

As mentioned above, I have (or had) some stocks in my portfolio that I was/am not satisfied with and which I have therefore recently cleaned out and reallocated the freed-up capital. The reorganization process is still ongoing. Roughly speaking, I would generally like to have fewer individual stocks in my portfolio and will shift the weighting to ETFs.

About the individual stocks in the portfolio:

  • $IUIT (-0,57%) This is a pillar of my portfolio. It runs with a monthly savings plan for €1000. The idea behind it is an ETF that gives me a good return and ideally outperforms "world ETFs". Sure, it's an ETF from one sector, but I think that's fine. The savings plan will continue to run.
  • $HMWO (-0,82%) Also a pillar of my portfolio. Runs with a monthly savings plan for €1000. My selected "World ETF". Savings plan will continue to run.
  • $XAIX (-0,5%) I am unsure about this. Also a sector ETF. Runs with a savings plan of €250 per month. Also technology-heavy. I'm thinking about cashing it out to compensate for the losses and to take profits from the current tech hype.
  • $SHL (-1,02%) Largest single share position. Created through the share program mentioned above. 250€ monthly savings installment. The shares are sold selectively as soon as all the conditions of the program have been met and I have received maximum bonuses. I then switch directly to other stocks so that the SHL position does not become too large.
  • $KO (-0,11%) It has recently become a pillar of my portfolio. Dividend growth, acceptable share price growth, few fluctuations. I like it. Will not be expanded for the time being.
  • $MCD (-0,55%) See CoCa Cola. Has recently become a pillar of my portfolio. Dividend growth, acceptable share price growth, few fluctuations. I like it. I also see the share as strong in the real estate sector. Falling interest rates could trigger another good move here. Will not be expanded for the time being.
  • $GOOGL (-0,82%) difficult. It has performed well, but is now considering realizing profits. Through my ETFs. I already have this stock indirectly in my portfolio. However, I have deliberately increased the weighting of this individual stock in my portfolio. Rather than buying more, I would rather take profits. However, I would add to it again after a correction.
  • $MC (-0,16%) To be further expanded. Target 10k in the portfolio. I used the last small price slide as an additional purchase. Long-term investment. Will be bought at the next opportunity.
  • $AMZN (-1,35%) See Google. I already have this stock indirectly in my portfolio. However, I have deliberately increased the weighting of this individual stock in my portfolio. Rather than buying more, more profit-taking. However, I would add to it again after a correction.
  • $JNJ (-0,05%) To be further expanded. Target 10k in the portfolio. Dividend growth, acceptable share price growth, few fluctuations. I like it.
  • $PG (-0,41%) Recently added to the portfolio. This stock should give the portfolio further stability. Target of €10k in the portfolio.
  • $V (-0,81%) Recently added to the portfolio. This value should give the portfolio further stability. Target of €10k in the portfolio.
  • $NKE (-0,56%) Difficult position. The recent dip was hard. Outlook also not good, if not bad. As things stand, I would like to sell this share. But I am reluctant to sell with a loss of just under € 1k. I will probably hold on for a while and then decide objectively. I had invested a little here after the dip in order to take advantage of a potential countermovement. I could have saved myself the trouble...
  • $BLK and $TROW (-0,71%) same segment. I would like to decide on a share here and then expand it into a pillar of my portfolio. But which of the two...?
  • $SBUX (-0,28%) Doesn't really fit into the portfolio anymore. The outlook isn't great either. I will probably sell it at +-0€ and shift the capital into a position to be expanded.
  • $MPW (-1,4%) Legacy and memorial! Will continue untouched for now.

Of course, there have also been some failures so far, some of which have depressed performance considerably.

Any examples?

$YSN (-0,11%) : -36,80%

$PLUG (-0,4%) : -61,58%

$PYPL (-0,73%) : -14.68% (good luck for bad luck...)

$NKE (-0,56%) and $MPW (-1,4%) can probably be counted as well.

That's it. It has become a smaller wall of text. Sorry for that.

Feel free to give me feedback on my thoughts and the portfolio.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

172.333,28 €
26 Commenti

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Great portfolio presentation. Others can take a leaf out of your book 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor thanks - there should be a bit of content. Otherwise no one has any added value 👍
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@sebbraun201 I agree!
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I think it's good! I have a more positive view of Nike and MPT than you do. I bought both in the last 10 days. For me, Nike is a brand to leave lying around, so for me it has a long horizon of up to 10 years or more
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@Divids MPT I have unfortunately reached into the falling knife. Depending on how the tenant situation develops, the bottom may have been seen. So congratulations if you've found a great buy-in! I'll wait. Let's see where the journey takes us.
With Nike, I can also imagine that they will recover in the long run. But I'm not sure whether I'll wait or switch directly. You've probably found a good entry point here too 👍
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@sebbraun201 Entry at Nike 70,-, gives me hope. I'm still down 8% on MPT. But was still down 15% the day before yesterday. Things are looking up. In the end, I am positive
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His great-grandfather, short and sweet
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Everything double and triple and very usa heavy. Longterm not good
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@Testo-Investor I agree with you. It's grown little by little. But due to the tech hype, I didn't leave anything unweighted, but rather gratefully took it with me. Now it might be time to weight the sector a little lower and thus remove double/triple allocations.
For example, by dissolving the $XAIX? I think this is almost unnecessary with the current structure.
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@sebbraun201 I had also weighted the ki etf with 20k€ ... I sold it in March April because I also have a semiconductor etf in it and the sp500 as a basis ... in the ki etf there are also 85% etc ... so everything was double and triple for me ... maybe let it run until 2025 to take part in the rally at the end of 2024? What do you think?
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These are also my thoughts. My current assumption is that tech will continue to rise this year. As soon as, as you say, the end of the rally becomes foreseeable, I will probably liquidate the above-mentioned etf and reallocate. I will probably continue to hold the other two etfs in a blunt manner. These should remain a pillar for the long term.
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Very successful presentation of your portfolio with comprehensible reasons & learnings from your decisions. You can be inspired, thank you & keep up the good work!

Hats off to this high savings rate! 🎩
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Great portfolio colleague, I also work at $SHL. Best regards
Wow! All stark👏🏻👏🏻
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What is your basic goal and investment horizon?
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@KevinE for this year is to break 200 k€. In the long term, classic "financial freedom" which should enable me to stop having to work full-time.
The investment horizon is certainly another 25 to 30 years.
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@sebbraun201 with your stats: easy I would say.
170k€ custody account, 2k savings installment per month, 25 years average return of 5% adjusted for inflation.
Results in a portfolio value of approx. €1.7 million, an extremely safe withdrawal rate of 3% net would result in €51,000 p.a. (as I said: inflation-adjusted to the year 2024). That should be enough to stop working full-time.
Sounds a bit too defensive - or you simply have to put a bit more money away for consumption, then the investment horizon fits better.
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@KevinE your word in God's ear 👍 a lot can change over time, of course, which has an influence on savings rates or similar. we will see
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@sebbraun201 That is often the "problem". Property (probably done for you, unless you want something else), and children (don't necessarily result in extremely higher expenses, but usually a loss of income).
Bin TROW Fan Boy. :)
I also have some of your "fails" in my portfolio: I think Secunet is also beyond -25% and Paypal should be around -18%. How do you deal with such positions? I've always held stubbornly so far, but that wastes a lot of time.
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@Yang I'm the type of person who holds the shares longer in order to sell without making a loss. However, if there is no prospect of a turnaround, such as a good outlook (but rather the opposite, a poor outlook), then I will sell at a loss if necessary and switch to more promising positions.
If you are still convinced by the company, I would get back in as soon as the turnaround is foreseeable or has already been initiated. (Outlook etc...)
@sebbraun201 Thanks for your advice! I am very similar, until now it has usually worked out quite well and I never had to wait very long for a trend reversal (most recently Siemens Energy, for example, which I then sold at a profit after the significant rise). What do you think of the two stocks mentioned, Secunet and Paypal? I see you have sold them in the meantime? I have Secunet, Paypal and Biontech, each of which has a 20% holding in my portfolio. One possibility would be to sell at least Secunet and Biontech and put the rest into the MSCI World.
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I bought Paypal because of a well-known finfluencer. I think most people know who is meant... 😉 Didn't feel like it anymore. Constant promises, constant disappointments. Plus underperformers. That's why I'm glad I sold. Albeit at a loss.
I would have sold Secunet after my stop loss took effect. I wasn't angry about it either, as I see this stock more in the speculative corner. I want to keep my distance from such shares for the time being. I am now focusing more on continuity.
@sebbraun201 Thank you! I wish you continued success!
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No $VOO or $SCHD ? I think $NKE will recover...
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