
From the $CHIP (-0,46%) to the $IE00BMC38736 (-0,38%) shift?

Entered on 10.07., which was probably a very unfavorable time (from a current perspective). The share of over 30% $NVDA (+0,7%) is $CHIP (-0,46%) already very strong. Which makes it heavily dependent on NVIDIA, which in retrospect bothers me a little. What do you think? Is it worth reallocating?

3 Commenti

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Would move away from sector ETFs and simply into the Msci World
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You should answer the question yourself. Do you think that semiconductors are only at the beginning and will still have a lot of growth in 10 or 20 years or do you think that's it and the luxury sector will make money in the next 10 years? When you bought the ETF, you made a bet. Nobody can look into the future anyway.
I initially invested in individual shares such as $NVDA $AVGO. I found the swings up and down too high for the start. I was advised to invest in ETFs that also contain these stocks and the swings have reduced very well. However, I am also invested in other ETFs in percentage terms, so I am still invested in both at a maximum of 3%. In Getquin it is very easy to track how the individual stocks are distributed and with the ETFs I can favor so-called favorite stocks or winning stocks, as others say, a little more.
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