
Weighting of cryptos

Since last year I am in $BTC (-0,33%)
$ETH (-1,17%) and $SOL (-0,07%) and things could hardly have gone much better. In the meantime, cryptocurrencies had a weighting of over 15% in my portfolio.

However, as I'm not that deep into the subject of crypto and don't see investing in cryptocurrencies as being nearly as much of a retirement provision as shares, I decided to take a closer look at how I want to proceed with cryptos, with the following result:

- I would like to keep the weighting of cryptos in my portfolio at around 5%

- The allocation should be 50% if possible $BTC, (-0,33%) 25% $SOL (-0,07%) and 25% $ETH (-1,17%) correspond

- As soon as the weighting of cryptos exceeds the 10% mark, I will rebalance and take profits in my two large ETF positions $5OGU and $IS3R (-4,03%) reallocated

=> With such a weighting, I remain relaxed, buy/sell based on rules and would still benefit from a long-lasting crypto hype. After all, rebalancing after strong price gains in the crypto sector logically increases my overall portfolio value, which means that in absolute terms there is more "space" for crypto assets than before.

What do you think of this weighting strategy? I am grateful for any shared opinions! 🙏🏼

18 Commenti

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Nur 10% Crypto ? Pussy 😂
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@Testo-Investor Yes, maybe I'm a crypto Pussy🤷🏻‍♂️Wenn your name says it all, but I would still say that I have the bigger eggs of the two of us🙃
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@AktienAmateur069 but maybe only in my pants 😂 but I can reassure you... mine are nice and full and plump :-))
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I would increase the Bitcoin share and decrease the Shitcoin share a bit but otherwise your approach sounds very solid :)
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@stefan_21 Why do you consider $ETH and $SOL to be shitcoins?
I would rather count them among the more established cryptos and they also have a usecase to a certain extent...
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@AktienAmateur069 You can argue about ETH. What bothers me is that everything depends on Vitalik, that the Foundation has just changed the consensus mechanism, which is like open-heart surgery, that they adapt the block subsidy as they see fit and that they like to spread untruths about Bitcoin in Brussels.
I don't rule out that there could be an exciting use case for this "world computer" at some point in the future. But it's not an investment for me.
Solana is a clear shitcoin for me - centralized, it feels like it goes down every few weeks and then has to be restarted in a coordinated manner via the Discord server and the only use cases are some memecoins that nobody needs😅
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@stefan_21 Don't you see a use case for Solana Pay either? After all, Solana has some strong partners for Zahlungsverkehr🤷🏻‍♂️, such as Shopify and Visa
I'm not very deeply involved with Ethereum and Solana, hence the relatively small position sizes😅
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@AktienAmateur069 I would ask you whether there aren't already enough payment options from Visa and Shopify and whether it really offers any added value to use Solana, which fails every two weeks...
Many of these cryptocurrencies are very strong in marketing and always try to suggest a use case that doesn't actually exist.
But that doesn't mean you can't make a profit with Solana. For me, it's just not something I see any added value in and I wouldn't invest in :)
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I am letting the cryptos run this year. The weighting has risen from 16% to 33%. Solana will probably show the best performance - that's what I thought a year ago 😁. This is the largest position after ETH. I will also continue to expand it.
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@useref748d772fc84f3e But isn't such a high weighting too high a risk for you?
Well, I already get restless with a 2% weighting at $SOL 😂
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@AktienAmateur069 No, I'll stay calm. I've been working with cryptos for a few years now. I've experienced the whole rollercoaster ride.
I'll hold the Solanas until they reach €1000. Of course, you have to expect crashes. But so far, all coins have always recovered well.
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@AktienAmateur069 My Nvidias make me more nervous, by the way 😁. I don't have the feeling for an exit here - I would like to invest the result in quantum technology. Even if that won't be interesting for a few years.
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@PowerWordChill Quite a wide range😅 But I can also well imagine that you have done much better with this strategy in 20 years than I have with mine, I just realized for myself that I can't sleep peacefully with too high a crypto weighting🫠
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@PowerWordChill With experience, you're probably a bit more relaxed😂
But would you claim to be investing in cryptocurrencies for retirement or are you doing it more for pleasure, where big losses wouldn't bother you too much?
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@PowerWordChill A very good Vergleich👍🏻
Congratulations on the returns so far!
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