
How do equity returns behave in relation to economic growth?


It could be so easy after all, you take your hard inherited money and put it into a stable growing economy and BOOOOM!!!! Excess returns!!!

So all-in Guyana, Macau, Fiji, Mozambique and Afghanistan?

NO? Why not? Too hardcore? ...

All right, then India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia?

I can already tell that some people here have started to prick up their ears...

But Daddy knows what you want, you wanted the fast-growing developed markets:

USA, Norway, Israel ... don't think I haven't noticed you all diligently buying the

MSCI Norway ETF $ENOR and MSCI Israel $EIS diligently. It is even rumored that there are people who save the NADDAQ 100 $QQQ but I personally think that's a rumor 😉.

But joking aside, what does economic growth mean for shareholders, does it increase the expected return?

Unfortunately, the data is somewhat sobering. In the next article, I would like to show you why you can and should ignore economic data as a long-term investor.

Have fun.

1. the economy is not the stock market. The stock market is not the economy.

The economy:

describes the complex interplay of economic activities. It comprises various participants:

Companies, produce goods and services.

Households, individuals and families demand these and act as employees.

States and government authorities set the economic framework conditions.

The stock market:

Is a pricing mechanism that converts future profit expectations into today's prices.

The market efficiency hypothesis (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markteffizienzhypothese) is taken as a basis. All existing economic data and expected future economic data are already included in the price. In order to generate an excess return from this level, future economic data must be better than assumed. The higher the optimism, the less likely it is that expectations will be exceeded.

In the Fama-French five-factor model (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fama%E2%80%93French_three-factor_model), "growth" does not appear as a factor. This means that growth stocks have not generated excess returns over long periods of time. The simplest explanation for this is that in the past investors were systematically prepared to pay too much for growth and / or growth did not materialize to the extent calculated.

2. GDP growth <?> Share returns

In a 2010 MSCI research paper "Is There a Link between GDP Growth and Equity Returns?" [1] found no link between GDP growth and equity returns. It is argued that in today's integrated world you have to look globally rather than locally. But even globally, no correlation could be found.

As can be seen in graph [1.1] (Appendix), stock prices (blue line) correlate with earnings per share (green line), even if the correlation is not perfect, it is still much stronger than the correlation of stock prices (blue line) with real GDP growth (orange line).

The reason for this is EPS dilution. When a market grows, at some point it becomes so attractive that new companies turn to this market. The pie gets bigger, but more and more companies want to eat it. It is bad for shareholders if new companies are founded that compete with their own investments. The available capital has to be spread across more and more companies.

William J. Bernstein & Robert D. Arnott came to the same conclusion in their paper "Earnings Growth: The Two Percent Dilution". [2]

3. real per capita GDP growth

Jay R. Ritter examined in his 2012 paper "Is Economic Growth Good for Investors?" [3], Jay R. Ritter examined the relationship between inflation-adjusted per capita GDP growth and equity returns in developed countries and emerging markets from 1900 to 2011.

The surprising result is the same for both. Over long periods of time, stock returns correlate negatively with per capita GDP growth.

It looks as if employees and consumers are the main beneficiaries. A shareholder gains nothing from full employment. Lower prices for the end consumer due to increased productivity do not increase shareholder value.

Companies are facing ever-increasing competition. There is a pressure to innovate and invest in order not to fall behind. This puts pressure on profits.


Correlated negative does not mean that share prices fall when per capita GDP growth is high, but returns tend to be lower.


Economic growth is not a prerequisite for share returns. What primarily interests a shareholder is earnings per share. Earnings growth can be achieved through a variety of measures, sales growth is just one of them.

In the past, investors have tended to overpay for future growth. There is no reason to believe that this has changed.

If expectations are too high, even good economic data can disappoint.

It is largely irrelevant whether there is good or bad news, what is relevant for share prices is whether it comes BETTER or WORSE than expected.

In the long term, share prices correlate with EPS.

In growing economies, new companies are constantly entering the market. This creates increasing competitive pressure. Consumers and employees, not investors, are the main beneficiaries of this brutal cut-throat competition, which is seen as the driver of innovation in capitalism.

I have also tried to find the opposite, but have not come across anything reliable.

Has anyone found publications that have come to different conclusions? Then let me know!


[1] Is There a Link between GDP Growth and Equity Returns? - MSCI Barra Research Paper No. 2010-18



[1.1] Appendix 1 - Exhibit 4: MSCI ACWI3 real price return, real EPS and real GDP growth, 1969 - 2009

[2] Earnings Growth: The Two Percent Dilution - William J. Bernstein & Robert D. Arnott



[3] Is Economic Growth Good for Investors? - Jay R. Ritter 2012



"All the problems of mankind stem from man's inability to sit still alone in a room."

-Blaise Pascal

15 Commenti

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Is this a new #gqevergreens?
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@PowerWordChill is recorded
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Very interesting and elaborate article. When you look at the valuation of some of the "hype" stocks, I sometimes wonder how long it will take for them to grow.
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Bookmark for later 👍
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I overlooked this post. Bookmark for later. Thx for reposting and the added value 🤗
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Very well prepared!

I'm just wondering: how does this new knowledge help me with my investing?
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@Epi It may deter some people from investing prematurely in emerging markets, for example, "because they still have so much economic growth ahead of them."
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That's why I've given up making predictions.

I prefer to stay in the hype-driven crypto market. Always remember that what has no EPS can never be overvalued. 😅 As far as we know, gold and Bitcoin could be 1000% higher tomorrow, it just needs a good story.

With shares, a high valuation is much more difficult to justify. But people are already doing their best *cough* $TSLA $NVDA *cough*

If you want to take something from it, in the long term it has been good to buy cheap in the past when the economy doesn't look so great... who would have thought that... have you ever heard of this ominous "Middle Kingdom", which is supposed to be cheap right now... 😂
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@PowerWordChill do you think a P/E ratio of 92 for NVIDIA is too expensive? Some here don't 😂😅
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@mhu ne that fits if $BTC goes to 10 million then your grandparents will buy $NVDA graphics cards and secretly mine in old people's homes to supplement their pensions. 🚀
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@PowerWordChill you've convinced me, I'm moving 😂🚀
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@mhu The P/E ratio of 92 is irrelevant as it only takes the past into account. I am copying another comment I made a few days ago:

PS: Before the Cisco Tech Bubble example from the year 2000 comes up. They were at a P/E ratio of 200 at the time, so they could easily have doubled in value

"NVIDIA is currently valued at a P/E ratio of ~85, but based on a forward P/E ratio, the P/E ratio is then only ~31.
That is the same forward P/E ratio as Microsoft and even slightly cheaper than Amazon at ~32 (which is currently at around 60).
Tesla, which is also popular here, is currently at 45 and forward at 44.

Only Meta at 20 and Alphabet at 19 are currently "cheap" on a forward basis.

Will it all turn out like this? Nobody knows, but there are certainly reasons why the share is where it is at the moment."

Additional info: NVIDIA has generated ~45 bn revenues in the last 12 months (TTM). Mark Zuckerberg announced in mid-January that they want to own 600,000 AI chips from NVIDIA by the end of 2024. That alone corresponds to a turnover of ~10.5 bn.
And that's just from one company.
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Interesting and I can subscribe to most of it. On one point, however, I think that Big Tech is (once again) playing a special role here.

And that is the issue of EPS dilution. Big Tech is now so huge that it is becoming extremely difficult to keep up.

Today, Christian Röhl posted a very interesting overview: 5 of the big 7 (all except Tesla and NVIDIA) generated a free cash flow of 350(!) billion last year. That would be enough to buy the two largest German companies (SAP and Siemens) after just one year.

So why don't I see the EPS dilution here? 3 reasons:
- These massive cash flows mean that an incredible amount of cash can be put into research & development. More than other companies ever make in sales per year
- If another company becomes stronger, it is either taken over or the business is virtually taken over through massive investments (Facebook and Snap, Apple Music and Spotify,...)
- Because these companies generate such massive cash flows, you can try out a lot more things. I mean, how much money has Mark Zuckerberg burned with the Metaverse by now? Or Alphabet with its Other Bets? Amazon with Fire devices,...
Any other company would probably have to file for bankruptcy by now, with these companies it almost doesn't matter.

I see very strong parallels to soccer here. Even if Bayern don't become champions this year, they are still virtually untouchable.

Or Standard Oil and the Rockerfeller empire in the past. As long as the state doesn't break up these companies or take much more massive action against them, I don't think EPS will be diluted.

Sure, Big Tech is annoying each other (Apple vs Meta data protection, Amazon entering the advertising business, Alphabet vs Microsoft when it comes to AI,...).
But again, it's more of a "right pocket, left pocket".
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@Mister_ultra But if they are "annoyed", this can also be the kind of competition that can lead to margin pressure and EPS dilution. 😉
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@PowerWordChill That's right! But so far it hasn't done them any harm :D
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