
Why the US strategic Bitcoin reserve is more bullish than many of you might think right now

You've probably heard the news somewhere by now. If not, here it is again in brief:

President Donald Trump yesterday signed an executive order to establish a Strategic $BTC (-4,94%)
Reserve and a U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile.:

  • Strategic Bitcoin Reserve:
  • Bitcoin is officially recognized as a reserve asset.
  • The reserve starts with bitcoins already confiscated by the Ministry of Finance from criminal and civil proceedings.
  • No sale of the stored Bitcoin - they serve permanently as a strategic asset.
  • New Bitcoin is to be acquired in a budget-neutral manner, i.e. without any additional burden on taxpayers.

  • U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile:
  • Consists of other digital assets that also originate from criminal or civil proceedings.
  • No additional purchases planned - management is exclusively via already seized assets.
  • Possible sales are conceivable at the discretion of the Treasury Department.

A clear distinction is therefore made between Bitcoin and altcoins. Bitcoin will not be sold and will serve as a reserve for storing value. New Bitcoin is to be acquired on a budget-neutral basis (perhaps, as proposed by Senator Lummis, through the sale of gold reserves - if still available in Fort Knox🤭).

The altcoins in the Digital Asset Stockpile will not further increased and sold if necessary sold if necessary.

Bitcoin has now officially been given the status of a store of value and reserve asset - by the world's largest economic power. By storing it permanently and deliberately refraining from selling existing Bitcoin holdings, Bitcoin is being presented to the outside world as a reliable store of value. In my opinion, this signal will strengthen the confidence of both institutional and private investors. It will become clear that Bitcoin is not just a speculative investment instrument, but will be anchored as a strategic asset in official reserves.

What a time to be alive🧡

Clear differentiation from altcoins

While Bitcoin serves as a permanent reserve, altcoins remain classified as managed but potentially saleable assets. This distinction signals that Bitcoin and altcoins are clearly differentiated. Bitcoin is a fair, decentralized, censorship-resistant, democratically regulated, absolutely limited asset in the form of a monetary network. Altcoins, on the other hand, are issued by centralized bodies that enrich themselves financially from the sale of their token. Furthermore, altcoins are completely dependent on their founders, companies, foundations, etc. and are not decentralized, which is why they are not suitable for a state reserve.

I find it incredibly important that a clear distinction was made between Bitcoin and altcoins, and I think this was anything but clear after the stupid announcements in the run-up.

Even if the market is now falling somewhat because some investors are apparently still disappointed: The announcement exceeded my expectations. I assumed from the outset that, as a first step, only the confiscated cryptocurrencies would be transferred to a state reserve. However, the fact that the document explicitly states that Bitcoin can be purchased on a budget-neutral basis is very positive. The fact that the altcoins will not be bought, but sold if necessary, is also positive. I simply think they had to do the altcoin lobbyists a favor because they had donated hundreds of millions to Trump. However, the USA was probably also aware that a state altcoin reserve makes no sense whatsoever.

What do you think? :)



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37 Commenti

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Corresponds to what I wrote/suspected in one of my comments a few days ago. (Regarding Bitcoin) Let's see what else is announced or explained this evening/night after the summit. There is no sign of a positive price reaction at the moment. I think people are still waiting...
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@Ash I think people are perhaps disappointed and thought the USA would now buy cryptocurrencies for many billions😅
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@stefan_21 Thank God not, and I very much welcome the clear differentiation from altcoins and shitcoins. With Bitcoin, I'm of the opinion that it's a marathon and not a sprint to becoming a millionaire anyway. 😂
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@Ash I also think that under the given circumstances - even with the altcoin lobbyists - it is one of the best possible implementations. If Bitcoin had been part of the digital asset stockpile, I would have thrown up in a triangle😂
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Won the bet against the @DonkeyInvestor that Trump will decide on the Bitcoin Reserve and achieve more than the traffic light in the first 100 days.
Unfortunately I haven't found the old article where we talked about it.
I wish you all strong profits in the coming years!
And the donkey has made good provisions with Bitcoin🥳🚀
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@RealRose I can't remember anything
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@DonkeyInvestor ~ Quote Olaf Scholz
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Thanks for the update🙏 I just bought more😂 Bitcoin is gaining🧡
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There it is. The "currency", the "store of value", the best invention since sliced bread. An instrument that is decentralized, independent of governments and states. In the hands of the US government, which uses it for exactly the opposite. What exactly is better in guerrilla terms?
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@gloinvest Why would the US government use it for the opposite?
Bitcoin is for everyone. Anyone can use it for themselves, no one has to. States are not exempt from this either. It only confirms the thesis that nobody will be able to escape Bitcoin. Not even states.
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@gloinvest Glad to see I'm not the only one who is somewhat critical of this development. 👍
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@stefan_21 Have you ever thought about the fact that the USA can freely control the price due to the construction? They throw everything on the market at the same time or take it down. At will. Or simply withdraw it permanently from the market - as is now being considered. Then the much-vaunted volume cap will be the boomerang.
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@gloinvest Why should the USA be able to freely control the market price?
If the US were to buy up large quantities (which is not happening now), the price would rise. If they sell everything, the price would fall - but then they would have to buy again to do it again. After all, you can't create Bitcoin out of nothing. Furthermore, the executive order states that no BTC will be sold.
The US would just be another market participant, nothing more. The volume limit is a protection and not a boomerang :)
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Good thing for Bitcoin. The only thing that scares me is that everything in the US now seems to be decided by executive order. Has Trump already completely abolished democracy?
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@Marcie I also find that blatant. It's strange that the president can do almost anything he wants by executive order - as long as it's within the legal framework
@stefan_21 Well, a lot of things are not even within the legal framework. There are hundreds of lawsuits pending. Reminds me a bit of a petulant child testing his limits. If you let him get away with too much, he soon crowns himself king...
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@Rexvetis Yes, of course. Some executive orders will undoubtedly be subsequently revoked by the courts.
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but they won't buy Btc now, it's more about the confiscated Btc worth 17Mill. they should probably be held, or am I wrong? That's why there's no great reaction, but it may still come😀
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@Seebi It is explicitly stated in the document that additional Bitcoin can be purchased budget-neutrally :)
I think that many people underestimate the effects of such a reserve and are therefore perhaps disappointed - hence the price reaction.
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@Seebi im Original:
"The Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce are authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for acquiring additional bitcoin, provided that those strategies impose no incremental costs on American taxpayers."
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What does "budget-neutral" mean? If there is "surplus" money somewhere, they buy Bitcoin from it or how should we understand that?
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower over is probably the wrong word. But if there are funds lying around in assets that are worse than BTC, they can be shifted into BTC. And some funds do not require congressional approval. There could also be BTC bonds.
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Then they can start with the shitcoins and shift everything into BTC. Furthermore, the list of assets that are worse than Bitcoin is very long 😂
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower As I understand it, they will only hold the Shitcoins. The Shitcoin CEOs paid a lot to get Trump or Harris into the WH. They now want something back. But yes, we all don't know exactly.
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@getused In the long term, they will only hold BTC, as the executive order shows. If it is certain that they will not sell Bitcoin, but possibly increase it, and that they will not increase altcoins, but possibly sell them, this will inevitably be the case over time. As you say, this will probably be the favor for the millions of donations :)
The corruption going on in the us is insane the Trump government will pump and dump all of these coins
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@Hans-Peter as this is an executive order of the president and not a law, this is not normally the case :) but I don't know enough about the Americans.
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@Hans-Peter The document explicitly states that a strategy for the budget-neutral purchase of additional Bitcoin is being developed. This means that none will be bought in the first step - which makes sense.
Altcoins, on the other hand, will not be bought, but only sold if necessary.
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@Hans-Peter Regarding the Executive Order: It comes into force immediately and does not have to be passed. However, as you say, it can be challenged in court - at least according to my brief Google research :)
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@Hans-Peter If strategic reserves like gold are shifted, Congress might not have to intervene, but the Fed would definitely have a say.

However, when it comes to non-strategic reserves, for example when new sources of rare earths are developed and the government secures direct access to these resources via strategic deals or mining rights, then these could be considered commercially viable assets. And that would significantly increase their potential for swaps.

Have I just deciphered a hidden government cheat code?
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@Yoshika This would also have a second level. Namely, if Bitcoin is established as a strategic asset, this could weaken the Fed's power in the long term. A government that relies on BTC and commodities would be less dependent on interest rate policy and fiat liquidity management. This could explain why Trump is hardly interested in stock market prices. He could be preparing a completely different economic narrative that breaks away from traditional markets.

If this is true, many have not really put it on their radar yet 🤷🏻‍♀️
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@Hans-Peter No problem, but at least make yourself a fancy one.
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