

25 Commenti

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@Memo0606 because I do not invest in individual shares
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After my order 2022 below 1700 was not executed I am offended, I was too greedy and since then the price has been running and running away from me. I've already written to them 😁
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@BamBamInvest oh man :(
I hope she still corrects
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@Memo0606 I would rather pick up in a bad phase 5-10% is too little
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@BamBamInvest I don't think it corrects 20% :(
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@Memo0606 Possible in the event of poor figures or expectations
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Are you staying with Elf Beauty?
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@Tenbagger2024 no my friend
i would love to buy booking
dream share
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Yes 💪
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@Memo0606 If the perfect time for $BKNG doesn't come soon, would $MMYT be an interesting alternative for you?
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I would add more in the €3,700 range, but I am already well invested.
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@RealMichaelScott phew, it will be a long way until then
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@Memo0606 about another 15-20% yes. You can of course also invest in a savings plan and start now 😉
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@RealMichaelScott that is true
but I think it will still go down at least 5-10%
then I'll buy half a share 😅
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@Memo0606 Sounds like a plan 👍
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In my opinion, the valuation is rather favorable, and I'm considering buying more myself.
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@TorteInYourFace hope it sags do the q numbers
but safe it will jump up 😅
the share has risen 50% since August... if you want to hold it for 10 years then get in now... if you only want to hold it for 1-2 years then don't...
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@Pandamona of course i want to keep them longterm so $CACI
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@Pandamona it has not risen 50%
isn't it just correcting?
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Never, in fact.
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@Aktienmeer nonsense
a small correction and off to the depot :)
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