iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd ETF Hgd
0.1%Volume del fondo
$11.26BClasse di attività
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iSharesDomande frequenti
Qual è il Total Expense Ratio (TER) di iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd ETF Hgd?
Qual è il volume del fondo di iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd ETF Hgd?
iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd ETF Hgd sta pagando i dividendi?
Qual è il metodo di replica utilizzato da iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd ETF Hgd?
In quale paese è domiciliato iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd ETF Hgd?
The Share Class is a share class of a Fund which aims to achieve a return on your investment, through a combination of capital growth and income on the Funds assets, which reflects the return of the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index, the Funds benchmark index. The Share Class, via the Fund is passively managed, and aims to invest so far as possible and practicable in the fixed income (FI) securities that make up the Index and comply with its credit rating requirements. If the credit ratings of the FI securities are downgraded, the Fund may continue to hold them until they cease to form part of the Index and it is practicable to sell them.
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