Feedback sul portafoglio

For a second time I hit $4,000 in my portfolio. I’m 15 years old and I’ve been trading for over a year now. I was down $1,100 all-time back in April, but all the companies in my portfolio have skyrocketed over the last 2 months so I am now a little more than $100 away from breaking even all-time.

The plan I have for the near-future is to sell a large portion of $RIVN (+0,86%) and invest that money into other companies. $RIVN (+0,86%) makes up a huge percentage of my portfolio and was the main cause of my $1,100 loss back in April so I don’t want to risk such a large amount of money with one company. Also, Rivian doubled in value over the last 3 months so I don’t see that being sustainable long term.

I’m currently looking at investing into $DNUT (+0%) and $UAL (-1,27%) in the near future

4.009,75 USD
1 Commento

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One advice: Go Long Term in quality Stocks and time will be your friend.

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