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Have also heard at everything on shares of it and they also set me the watchlist. Since then I play with the idea. What do you think it makes sense to save it like other etfs monthly or just once and leave it. By the way, have you found out when these distribute?
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@Koenigmidas according to the individual prospectuses on ishare is distributed quarterly and in the months of March, June, September and December.
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@Koenigmidas I am currently reading the book "The ETF Portfolio" by Markus Neumann, since then I have also been playing with the idea of putting the dec28$ into my portfolio. But rather as a one-time investment and not as a savings.
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@ausgeklammert because my consideration was one receives the interest for the amount or the actual duration of holding until the deadline 🙃
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@Koenigmidas I think there is something like an exDate where it is looked who had how many shares then. And that 4x a year, the advantage is if you hold the shares until the end, you get back the nominal value. If you sell in between, which is possible at any time, then only at the current rate.
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@ausgeklammert ok thank you for that 🙂 must read myself again.
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@Koenigmidas so now i've got it : the coupon is 4.15% at the dez28$ the coupon or interest coupon of a bond indicates what income is paid out to the holders of the bond. in this case, quarterly. the coupon is not the same as the yield on the bond. the yield is the effective interest on the bond and also takes into account the purchase price of the bond. It is therefore the actual interest that an investor receives on an investment in the bond if he holds it to maturity. That would be the 5.31% e.g.
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@ausgeklammert so you would hold until the end 5.31% p. A. And quarterly 4.15% p. A.?
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@Koenigmidas exactly, because the value is currently below the nominal value, which you get paid back at the end. Therefore, one would then come to the 5.31%. I have added the coupon values above, these differ nevertheless already neatly, in contrast to the yield.
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@ausgeklammert Hey Hannes. I still don't quite understand this. The coupon is clear, but I don't quite understand the yield. They say that if you wait until the end, the price doesn't matter because you get your investment back at the end. So what's the point of the 3.71% yield? Do I get more in the end than just the coupon? Do I have a thinking error here? :D
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Currently you pay less than 100% of the return price. The return price is at about 5,40€ in Dec26, which you seem to be referring to with the 3,7%. Therefore you get more money back. Example: You have bought 20 pieces for 5€. In Dec26 you will get 108€ back. 8€ on 2,2 years are approx. 3,7% yield and you get this surely if you hold to the end. And until then you get 1,65% interest per year (proportionally quarterly paid) Source: echtgeldTV